JAKARTA - The Jambi Basarnas team at around 13.00 WIB found the body of a man who was swept away by the swift current of the Batang Asai River, Sarolangun Regency. This is the result after searching for three days.

The head of the Jambi Basarnas, Kornelis, said that the body of a man named Husni (40) was swept away by the strong current of the Batang Hari river on Tuesday, August 23 yesterday. He was found by the SAR team 300 meters from where the victim was last seen while crossing the river holding an empty jerry can.

After entering the third day of the search, Husni (40) was found 300 meters from the scene in a dead condition by the Basarnas SAR team and a combination of Bungo SAR Post, TNI, Polri, BPBD, Sarolangun Damkar, PMI, and the community.

"The victim was immediately taken to the funeral home," Kornelis said, Friday, August 26, as reported by Antara.

The obstacle faced by the joint SAR team during the operation to search for victims was that the river current was very strong and there were many branches, making it quite difficult.

Victim Husni reportedly drowned in the Batang Asai River, Kampung 7 Village, Cermin Nan Gedang District, Sarolangun Regency, at 13.00 WIB on August 24, 2022, when he was about to cross the river using a jerry can, but when he was in the middle of the river, the jerrycan he was using fell off. and the victim was carried away by the river current.

The Bungo SAR Post Rescue Team headed to a location approximately 152 km or about three hours away and departed using a Rescue Truck and equipment, such as Rubber Boat, Water Rescue, Communication equipment, medical, and personal PPE.

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