BANJARBARU - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) through the Syamsudin Noor Banjarmasin Meteorological Station said that atmospheric conditions tend to be unstable, triggering the potential for extreme weather in South Kalimantan (Kalsel) in the next week.

"The weather forecast is expected to be cloudy to light rain accompanied by lightning and strong winds," said Syamsudin Noor Banjarmasin Meteorological Station forecaster Ruth Mandasari in Banjarbaru as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, August 25.

The unstable atmospheric condition, he said, was influenced by the dynamics of the atmosphere on a global-regional scale which was quite significant.

Then the warm surface temperature conditions in the Java Sea and Makassar Strait (positive SST anomaly) also cause the potential for additional water masses to support the process of forming rain clouds around the South Kalimantan area.

This also triggers the potential for high waves between 1.5 to 3.5 meters in the Java Sea which is influenced by wind speeds reaching more than 20 knots around the area.

The potential for tidal sea water or tidal flooding from August 26 to 30, 2022 which can reach 2.6 meters occurs in the Kotabaru Regency area.

"The public is advised to anticipate the impact of the maximum tide of sea water which occurs between 07.00 to 09.00 WITA," explained Ruth.

Regarding the impact of rain and strong winds, such as slippery and inundated roads, up to fallen trees, which can even cause floods and landslides, Ruth appealed to the public to continue to monitor the development of weather information from the BMKG through applications and social media.

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