JAKARTA - The Grand Imam of the Islamic Defenders Front, Rizieq Shihab, is scheduled to hold a gathering and hold a tablig akbar in Cianjur, West Java in the near future. The Cianjur Police Station strictly did not give permission for this event and other activities that drew crowds.

Head of Ops for Cianjur Police, AKP Alan said that his party would not hesitate to dismiss the activity and coordinate with the task force. This is done because the level of transmission of COVID-19 in Cianjur is still high, so prevention is necessary.

"We will carry out it according to procedures, starting from appeals, warnings to dissolving if the ban is not heeded and without permission to hold events that invite large crowds. We will not hesitate to disperse because during the pandemic it is prohibited to create events that invite large crowds," said Alan in Cianjur , reported by Antara, Friday, November 20.

Moreover, he said, Cianjur was still in a high spreading-prone zone. So that all layers are encouraged to participate in breaking the chain of distribution and not violating health protocols, especially by holding events that will be attended by thousands of people.

Wakpolres Cianjur Kompol Hilman added that regarding Rizieq Shihab's planned visit to Cianjur, his party would impose strict sanctions for violators who did not heed health protocols, especially by inviting large crowds, which could lead to transmission of dangerous viruses.

"We will carry out the rights and obligations that must be carried out against the violations that occur, especially based on the rules not allowed. We will disperse the crowd is not an activity, because during a pandemic health protocols must be implemented by everyone, as an effort to break the chain of spreading dangerous viruses," he said.

Meanwhile, regarding Rizieq Shihab's planned visit to Cianjur, to hold a gathering and tabligh akbar, the Chairperson of FPI Cianjur Habib Hud Alaydrus said that permission from the local government was not required, only that his party would deliver a notification.

"We don't need permission from the local government, only notifications because this activity is a gathering and tablig akbar. Permitted or not, we will still hold the event. If the local government provides a large space, so that health protocols are still met, I underline this activity will be carried out accordingly. with health protocols, "he said.

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