JAKARTA - Pet owners in the southwestern German city have been allowed to let their cats out again, after a temporary curfew was lifted.

Authorities in Walldorf City introduced the move in May, to protect rare birds during their wedding season. However, the unique lockdown ended two weeks earlier than scheduled on Monday.

The cat's curfew is designed to help save the Lark Jambul bird, whose population in Western Europe has declined sharply in recent decades.

Owners are at risk of a fine of 500 euros or around Rp. 7,385,239 if their cats are found roaming outside. A larger fine awaits, up to 50 thousand euros or around Rp. 738,523,996 if their pets injure or kill the jambul.

"Due to the weather conditions this year, the development and development of young jambul birds has so far been faster," authorities in the Rhine-Neckar region said in a statement, citing Euronews from AP Aug. 16.

"This year, two weeks earlier than expected, it is hoped that there will be no significant danger to the young birds of the cat roaming freely."

However, a three-month order to keep cats in the house has been heavily criticized by local and national animal protection groups.

"Suddenly preventing cats from going out, meaning huge restrictions and stress for animals," Deutscher Tierschutzband, Germany's largest animal welfare organization, said in a statement to Euronews Green.

Will the cat's curfew in Germany continue? A similar curfew is still expected to be imposed every summer until 2025.

"Outer fishing is one of several factors related to the problem of gubernatorial birds," local authorities said.

"But at Walldorf, they are not a non-essential factor because of their closeness to settlements, which is why action is also needed regarding cats."

"Because jambul lark is threatened with extinction, cats pose certain threats and their actions are appropriate, necessary, and precise." said the authorities.

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