JAKARTA - The Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Uno revealed three tips to deal with inflation and rising prices of basic commodities that have risen recently.

Sandiaga Uno conveyed this during the Creative Regency/City (KaTa) workshop in Pekanbaru. During the event, women complained about the rising prices of basic necessities such as flour, chilies, and eggs. In addition, gas and fuel oil or BBM are also commodities that are starting to increase, especially diesel.

"To deal with the increase in cost of goods, we must do three things. First, be a cost leader. You must be able to manage all the production materials, they must be calculated properly, and make financial records," said Sandiaga, Wednesday, August 24.

Second, he added, the community needs to open a network of friendship. The goal, so that people can get alternative basic materials production costs that are more affordable.

Finally, in the face of rising prices for staple foods, the impact of inflation is to maximize financial capacity.

That is, people are asked to try to invest. However, before that, the community needs to ensure that their main capital starts from their salary and assets.

Including, the public is also asked to be able to calculate the dependents properly, for example the number of bills and debts.

"Being a financial leader, our finances must be strong. How do we do it? Hand in hand. Those three things I entrust so that you can anticipate inflation," he explained.

As has been reported, the price of food ingredients began to creep up. For example, on Monday (22/8/2022) quoted from the https://infopangan.jakarta.go.id/ page, the price of chicken eggs reached Rp. 30,566 per kg.

This was also followed by an increase in the price of broiler chickens which reached Rp. 39,000 per kg.

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