JAKARTA - The Governor of Bank Indonesia (BI) Perry Warjiyo said that the young generation of Indonesia or millennials will be the source of the creation of excellent entrepreneurs or new MSMEs. Millennials are considered to have a role in improving the welfare of the nation and the economy in the future.

"We can see the progress of millennials from now on, in various fields, to become UMKM emerging as a new economic power. Millennials who have a strong spirit and high entrepreneurial culture will also be a source of creating superior entrepreneurs," he said, at the opening of the series III Indonesian Creative Work event. , Friday, November 20.

Not only that, Perry said, millennials who dominate the productive age are also able to lift micro, small and medium enterprises to go global. Because, they are used to using gadgets.

Moreover, he said, currently MSMEs must be creative in understanding market tastes and developing marketing methods including digital marketing during the COVID-19 pandemic.

"In the new normal era, digital acceleration is a solution to turn Indonesian MSMEs into new MSMEs as a source of new growth for our economy towards a new Indonesia," he said.

Bank Indonesia, said Perry, has also worked together with various stakeholders to continue to develop MSMEs through the implementation of 3 pillars. First, corporatization as an effort to strengthen UMKM institutions.

Second, the capacity which is directed at increasing the ability of MSMEs in creating added value in the digital era. Lastly, financing to expand MSME financial access.

"As the nation's next generation, millennials will be the driving force for new MSMEs today and in the future. Millennials who love domestic products will be a huge market potential for our MSMEs," he said.

Perry said, to encourage MSMEs, BI coordinates with ministries / agencies, UMKM activists, associations, designers and other related stakeholders in holding Indonesian Creative Works (KKI) performances.

The series of KKI series I and II have had achievements. The number of visitors was more than 53,000 consisting of 379 UMKM, covering 127 cloth UMKM, 75 crafting UMKM, and 177 food and beverage UMKM.

Meanwhile, said Perry, total sales reached Rp10.5 billion, business matching achievement was Rp113.2 billion, financing Rp4.7 billion, and 16 out of six buyers participated in providing business matching and business deals from Singapore, Italy, Australia, Korea, Japan, and China.

Perry said, in this third series, KKI took the theme of millennial friends SMEs, as a follow-up to the president's direction at the opening of the 2019 KKI, which pushed MSME products to the digital market to penetrate foreign markets.

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