JAKARTA - As a manifestation of the government's commitment to helping people affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, the government has distributed Wage Subsidy Assistance (BSU) for Non-PNS Educators and Education Personnel (PTK). The assistance is targeting around two million non-PNS PTK which is given in stages until the end of November 2020 with a total budget of more than IDR 3.6 trillion.
Abdul Kahar, Head of the Education Financing Service Center of the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) said that those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic are not only the public and business actors, but also teachers, lecturers and educational staff.
"This is the idea of the Ministry of Education and Culture so that non-PNS educators and education personnel receive subsidies. Hopefully this program will provide additional income to our friends who are at the forefront," said Abdul Kahar in a statement received, Friday, November 20.
He said this at the Productive Dialogue with the theme of Wage Subsidies to Support Non-PNS Educators and Education Personnel, which was held by the Committee for Handling COVID-19 and National Economic Recovery (KPCPEN), Thursday, November 19 yesterday.
The main target of this BSU PTK is to target non-civil servant educators and education personnel with an income below IDR 5 million. In detail, there are 162 thousand lecturers, 1.6 million teachers, and around 237 thousand education personnel who have been directly touched by this assistance, ranging from early childhood educators, lecturers, equality educators, library staff, laboratory staff, and administrative staff in all schools and colleges. high both public and private.
The requirements for PTK to receive BSU are very simple, namely Indonesian citizens (WNI) who earn below IDR 5 million per month and are non-PNS members, and do not receive wage / salary subsidies assistance from the Ministry of Manpower and are not pre-employment card recipients until October 1, 2020 .
The data on beneficiaries is already in the Ministry of Education and Culture so that on November 16, the distribution of the PTK BSU began to be distributed. The data comes from the Dikti Database (PDDikti) and GTK Info.
"We have matched this data with the BPJS Employment data and the Pre-employment Card. So it is true that the data we use is not a proposal from schools, but our database already exists. So we just need to take it according to the criteria we need," said Abdul Kahar.
Data validationRegarding data validation, Dr. Abdul Kahar guaranteed that the data was confirmed to be valid. Moreover, his party validates by matching data through BPJS Employment, then the Pre-Employment Card.
"We are increasingly convinced that our data is not duplicated. If there are scattered data, in the sense that it meets the requirements but is not included in the list. Maybe later we will ask the Education Office to immediately update the data. Of course our reference is data that has been registered in the list. The deadline for the last 30 June. If you just entered data, of course you can't, "he explained.
Furthermore, PTK only needs to prepare BSU disbursement documents according to the information obtained, namely, Identity Card (KTP), Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP) if any, BSU recipient decree which can be downloaded from GTK and PDDikti Info, as well as a Statement of Responsibility. Absolute (SPTJM) which can be downloaded from GTK and PDDikti Info, stamped, and signed.
"After the documents are complete, the PTK can go to the channeling bank to disburse the funds," explained Abdul Kahar.
Many BenefitsOne of the educators, Mila Faldiah Nur who is a teacher at Handayani Senior High School, Pekanbaru, Riau, admitted that she was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. As a non-civil servant educator at a private high school, his salary was almost delayed due to the sluggish economy which resulted in parents being unable to pay school fees.
"We think the COVID-19 countermeasures assistance program only targets the entrepreneurial sector and the unemployed. And we don't think the government will think of providing assistance to honorary teachers. We feel very cared for, feel there is appreciation for us," said Mila.
"I can use this assistance to meet primary needs such as basic necessities. It also happens that my cellphone needs repair, because it is important for online learning, there are many benefits from this fund," added Mila.
Meanwhile, Sri Murni. Lecturers at STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung, also have a similar opinion. After consulting with colleagues, he felt happy and grateful for the special attention from the government to these non-PNS educators.
"There are a lot of non-civil servants in our place," said Sri.
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