BANDUNG - The Bandung Police Team revealed that as many as 2.5 tons of used rubber gloves commonly used by medical personnel were suspected to be resold.

Kapolrestabes Bandung Kombes Ulung Sampurna Jaya said there was a suspect with the initials GR who was arrested. He is thought to be circulating the used medical gloves for economic gain.

"So the used gloves are made new, packaged in the city, we still understand the selling price, but so far it is suspected that the price is from Rp. 60 thousand to Rp. 75 thousand per box," said Ulung at the Bandung Police, quoted by Antara, Friday, November 20.

Based on the suspect's confession, said Ulung, he had been hoarding gloves since one month ago. However, the police suspected that based on the items found and other clues, the GR activity had been carried out for six months.

"It has been circulated for sale in Jakarta and Surabaya. So the used gloves are collected again, so it is reconstructed as if they were new, even though they are used," he said.

In addition, he explained that GR has 178 employees who are paid Rp. 50 in one day's work. However, according to him, the employee is an underage worker.

According to Ulung, it is possible that these items have been circulated to be used by medical personnel. Because these gloves look like new after being recycled by the suspect.

"That's why we are investigating it, especially if the medical personnel do not know, we will also do a lab test of the gloves, where are they clean," said Ulung.

For his actions, GR was suspected of Article 63 in conjunction with Article 8 Paragraph 1 Letter a and paragraph 2 of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 8 of 1999 concerning consumer protection, Article 197 in conjunction with Article 105 Paragraph 1 of Law Number 36 of 2009 concerning the absence of a distribution permit for medical devices.

The suspect was also charged with Article 185 in conjunction with Article 68 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 13 of 2003 concerning the employment of underage children. From the three elements of the suspicion, GR faces a maximum sentence of 15 years in prison.

Therefore, Ulung appealed to the public to be more careful in buying medical gloves. In addition, people are also asked to destroy or cut the gloves after use so that certain individuals cannot recycle them.

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