JAKARTA - The City Hall Transjakarta bus stop has been revitalized since last Monday, August 22. This bus stop is one of 46 shelters revitalized this year.
Head of the Transjakarta Corporate Secretary Division, Anang Rizkani Noor, said that the bus stop in front of the southern area of the National Monument (Monas) area was built with a larger capacity.
"The City Hall Bus Stop is the third bus stop that has been re-operated after the Kwitang Bus Stop and the City Hall Bus Stop. The three stops are included in the 11 bus stops being revitalized in the first phase," Anang said in his statement.
There is something unique about the revitalization of the City Hall Bus Stop. Inside, there were a number of tree trunks that were left standing and were not cut down.
Then, around the tree trunk on the perforated side of the ceiling, zincalume was installed. This is to prevent rainwater from wetting the floor at the bus stop.

Furthermore, Anang said that the City Hall Bus Stop is also equipped with capacities that customers can use, such as gate machines, toilets, surveillance cameras or CCTV, passanger information system (PIS), Wi-Fi, and prayer rooms.
“Besides safety, customer comfort is also a focus that we want to give to all customers. This revitalization is one of the efforts we have made and has been running,” said Anang.
"We will continue to make other improvement efforts. Thank you to the people who have entrusted Transjakarta in carrying out their daily activities," he continued.
In addition, the City Hall Bus Stop serves several routes, namely Pulogadung – Harmoni (Corridor 2), Kampung Rambutan – Harmoni (7F), PIK – City Hall (1A), Monas – PGC (5C), Pulogadung – Rawa Buaya (2A) and ASMI 2 – Crocodile Swamp (2D).
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