JAKARTA - The Indonesian Child Protection Agency (LPAI) will go directly to provide assistance to Ferdy Sambo's children. LPAI chairman Seto Mulyadi or usually called Kak Seto said he would go directly, if needed, to provide protection for children who were neglected by their parents. It is known, Ferdy Sambo and Putri Candrawathi have been named as suspects in the premeditated murder case of Brigadier Nofriansyah Yoshua Hutabarat alias Brigadier J. Ferdy Sambo and Putri Candrawathi have 4 children who are 21 years old, 17 years old, 15 years old, and 1.5 years old. .

"If needed, we will go down to help in the context of child protection and the fulfillment of children's rights. One of the basic rights of children is to get protection," said Kak Seto to VOI, Monday, August 22. Kak Seto urged the police to provide protection for Inspector General Ferdy Sambo's children. According to him, all parties have an obligation to protect children, including the National Police. "In principle, all are obliged to provide protection for children. That children, whoever it is, have an obligation, whether we are family or society or the government and so on. So I emphasize that so as not to appear that child protection is only special institutions, for example, " he said. When asked when he would go to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police for coordination regarding Ferdy Sambo's children, Kak Seto admitted that he was still waiting for a decision from the National Police Headquarters. "I have coordinated with the National Police Headquarters, and there is also coordinating the time for our visit there," he concluded.

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