JABAR - Former special staff of President Jokowi, Bambang Beathor Suryadi, stated that the figure of Prabowo-Puan is the ideal pair to run in the 2024 presidential election. This pair is considered to eliminate the potential for identity politics that has been feared to emerge.

This was conveyed by Bambang in the Prabowo-Puan Declaration of West Java province, Sunday, August 21. "We want to see that Indonesia will no longer have identity politics under the leadership of these two people."

The Prabowo-Puan pair, he continued, is also suitable to continue the development program that has been working on President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). "Both of them are nationalists. They build the country because they are nationalists. Various people who are seen as nationalists are not their religion or ethnicity," he said.

The Coordinator of the Prabowo-Puan Axis Region of West Java Province, Taofik Wahidin said that his party had received a mandate from the Prabowo-Puan Axis National Presidium to take a stance of political support for the two national figures.

"We have received a mandate from the Prabowo-Puan Axis National Presidium Council to implement the Prabowo-Puan Axis Declaration in West Java Province," Taofik said.

This political stance was taken as a follow-up after the statement by the General Chairperson of the Gerindra Party DPP, Prabowo Subianto, who was ready to run as a presidential candidate in the 2024 presidential election.

"This is to welcome (the results) of the Gerindra Party Rampimnas which declared Mr Prabowo Subianto as the Indonesian Presidential Candidate for 2024," he said.

Taofik stated that his party was ready to escort Prabowo Subianto to become the number one person in the Republic of Indonesia to continue the baton of national leadership.

"We will support and raise funds, mobilize the masses, and win the presidential and vice presidential candidate pairs, namely Prabowo Subianto and Puan Maharani, for the period 2024-2029," he stressed.

There are already many youth leaders and community leaders in Tanah Pasundan who are ready to guard this national political step to the fullest. Moreover, the main test of this political support is to maintain and implement Pancasila and the democratic principles that already exist in Indonesia.

"Youth leaders and community leaders of West Java Province are committed to continuing to maintain and implement Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution, as well as the principles of a democratic state, in the form and framework of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. Where the highest sovereignty holder is in the hands of the people," he explained.

Taofik also said that the reason why Prabowo and Puan were promoted in the 2024 presidential election contestation was that in the future Indonesia must have a stronger state and government leader, and a leadership that has high nationalism. As well as being able to answer big challenges, which will be more difficult in the future.

"Or in other words a leader who is firm, patriotic, statesman, nationalist, upholds democratic values, protects, and maintains the sovereignty of the people, nation and state is a state leader that is needed in the future in the figure of Mr. Prabowo Subianto and Mr. Prabowo Subianto. Mrs. Puan Maharani," he said.

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