JAKARTA - Komnas HAM and Komnas Perempuan will continue to investigate and question the wife of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo, Putri Candrawathi (PC), even though she has been named a suspect in the case of the death of Brigadier J.

"We are still according to the plan to ask for information from Mrs. PC (Putri Candrawati) and at this time we are still coordinating with several parties to determine the place and time," said Komnas HAM Commissioner Sandrayati Moniaga as reported by ANTARA, Friday, August 19.

Meanwhile, Komnas Perempuan Commissioner Siti Aminah Tardi said that her party would still ask for information from Putri regardless of her status, including in relation to allegations of sexual harassment as reported by Putri.

"We have to ask for information from Mrs. PC in whatever position she is, whether she is a witness, as a suspect or an investigation into the alleged occurrence of sexual violence. So it still has to be done," he said.

Siti explained the examination process carried out by Komnas HAM and Komnas Perempuan to see allegations of human rights violations in the case.

"Including violations in the legal process or law enforcement in this case," he said.

Meanwhile, the police investigation process, said Siti, is examining this case in the context of law enforcement for criminal justice.

According to him, the determination of the status of a suspect against Putri does not necessarily stop the examination process carried out by Komnas HAM and Komnas Perempuan.

Siti said it was still necessary in order to be able to read in full and clearly the case of the death of Brigadier J.

"Because various efforts have been made and we have to get the complete picture, and to get the complete picture, we have to listen to information from Mrs. P (Princess Candrawathi) who we know is in this position, in this case, she is the person in charge. in this criminal incident. So of course it will still be done, "said Siti.

Komnas Perempuan Commissioner Theresia Iswarini added that her party was re-coordination regarding the continuation of the process of investigating Putri because of the change in her status, who has now been named a suspect.

"Indeed at that time Komnas HAM and Komnas Perempuan planned to conduct an in-depth investigation, but because of this decision, of course we have to re-coordinate regarding how it goes. So please wait for this re-coordination process considering the changing situation and conditions," said Theresia.

Earlier on Friday afternoon, the National Police Special Team announced the determination of Putri Candrawathi as a suspect in the premeditated murder case against Brigadier Nofriansyah Yoshua Hutabarat or Brigadier J.

Putri was charged with Article 340 of the subsidiary Criminal Code, Article 338 in conjunction with Article 55 in conjunction with Article 56 of the Criminal Code, which carries the death penalty.

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