AMBON - The Aru Islands District Attorney's Fugitive Arrest Team has arrested Elegia M. Betaubun, who was sentenced to 2.5 years in prison in a corruption case that is on the wanted list. The perpetrator has been hiding for 3 years and eight months in Ambon, the capital of Maluku Province.

"The DPO of the Aru Islands Prosecutor's Office is a former treasurer of SMA Negeri 1 Dobo, Aru Islands District and a convict of BOS funds corruption for the 2012-2014 fiscal year," said Head of Legal Information and Public Relations Section of the Maluku Prosecutor's Office, Wahyudi Kareba in Ambon, Antara, Friday. August 19.

According to him, the convict Elegia was arrested at the BTN Lateri Indah complex, Block C5 Number 10 Lateri III, Banguala District, Ambon City last Wednesday at around 14.00 WIT.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Aru Islands Intelligence Unit, Romy Prasetya Niti Sasmito, explained that this 2.5-year prisoner had been included in the prosecutor's DPO since 2019 based on the DPO determination letter Number: Sprint 239/Q.1.15/Fu.3/08/2019 and his whereabouts have been monitored by the team. Sow Kejari since Monday, August 15th.

Currently, the convict has been detained at the Ambon Class III Women's Correctional Institution for administrative and identity checks and the plan is to carry out the execution today at the Ambon Class III Women's Correctional Institution.

Based on the decision of the Supreme Court Number 2636 K/Pid.Sus/2018 which stated that it granted the appeal from the public prosecutor so that the execution could be carried out based on the decision of the Corruption Court at the Ambon High Court.

Then according to the Supreme Court decision Number 2636 K/Pid.Sus/2018, January 29, 2019 the convict on behalf of Elegia M. Betaubun has been proven guilty of committing a criminal act of corruption in the deviation of BOS funds from 2012 to 2014 sourced from the APBD and APBN at SMA Negeri 1 Aru Islands.

In this case, the state suffered a loss of Rp. 425.343 million based on the verdict and the convict was sentenced to 2.5 years in prison and a fine of Rp. 50 million, subsidiary to three months in prison.

Present at the arrest and execution of the DPO were Meggy Salay as the executor prosecutor along with Karel Taliak, Joseph P. Heatubun, and Alit Catur as staff of the Aru Islands Kejari who helped arrest and secure the execution.

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