JAKARTA - PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol Tbk (the Company) held the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS), yesterday. In this AGMS, Ancol reshuffled the board of directors and commissioners.

Ancol shareholders appointed Winarto as President Director of Ancol. Winarto replaces Teuku Sahir Syahali. Now Teuku has been dismissed from Ancol and given a new assignment to PT Pembangunan Jaya.

Winarto previously served as the President Director of the GBK Management Center (Gelora Bung Karno) in 2016-2021. Prior to that, Winarto had also held positions on the Ancol board of directors.

Ancol's President Commissioner, Thomas Trikasih Lembong, said that management refresh is a common thing to improve company performance.

“Management refreshment is a common thing and part of efforts to improve company performance. Ancol will continue to be committed to transforming in order to provide the best and excellent service for all customers in the country.” said Thomas in his statement, Friday, August 19.

In addition, Ancol also appointed former DKI Jakarta Governor Sutiyoso as Commissioner of Ancol. Currently, the position of Commissioner is held by Sutiyoso and Geisz Chalifah. Geisz Chalifah believes that Sutiyoso will contribute enough to the management of Ancol.

"Sutiyoso, who has served 10 years as the Governor of DKI and has been the Head of the National Intelligence Agency, will certainly bring extensive experience and an extraordinary perspective to Ancol," said Geisz.

In addition to reshuffling the composition of the board of directors and commissioners, Ancol explained the performance for the financial year as of December 31, 2021, which recorded a gross income of Rp. 389,342,000,000 or a decrease of 6 percent from the realization in 2020. Although it still recorded a loss of Rp. 275,021,000,000, this position improved by 30 percent of the realization in 2020.

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