JAKARTA - Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo came to a veteran of the independence fighters in Semarang City. His name is R Soemardi who is now 96 years old and lives on Jalan Tamtama Raya, Jangli, Tembalang.

“Yesterday, we were informed that maybe the Governor (Ganjar) will be nervous (coming) here, but we can't say for sure. I've been waiting for your arrival since earlier," said Soemardi to Ganjar.

There was a long conversation between Soemardi and Ganjar Pranowo. It took about 45 minutes for the two to talk. Even though he is 96 years old, Soemardi's memory is still strong. The man who was born in Kampung Jlagran Yogyakarta, May 17, 1926 (in the 1929 administrative data) told how he fought and became part of the Indonesian army.

"At first I just went along. At that time a friend invited him, during the physical revolution, around 1946-1947 in Blitar. At that time I was Pak Mustopo's bodyguard who served as a train commando," said Soemardi about the beginning of the struggle.

While in Blitar, Soemardi served in the transportation department and had not yet received a rank. At that time, becoming a soldier was also not through enlistment but voluntarily.

His main job at that time was to serve communications. When the war broke out against the invaders in East Java, he became one of the readers, as well as the transmitter of the code or Morse.

"I don't go directly to war, I convey Morse or code regarding the situation and orders from superiors. So at that time the orders we received were not in handwriting, but using a code via headphones, then I typed and conveyed (to the troops),” he explained.

After several years serving in Blitar, Soemardi then returned to Yogyakarta. It was here that he was then invited by his brother, Soemaryadi to join the BKR and join the Army Police (Military Police), precisely when the Dutch military aggression II erupted. He is part of the troops assigned to detonate dynamite at the Kali Bedog Bridge, Gamping District, Sleman.

“I officially became a soldier during the second military aggression. His rank was Second Soldier. Got the task of operating in the Gamping area, "said Soemardi.

Nine months after his assignment in Gamping, in December 1949 to be exact, Soemardi was tasked with securing Soekarno's inauguration as President of the United States of Indonesia (RIS) in Sitinggil, Yogyakarta Kraton. The security was carried out to deal with any possible disturbances or failed missions.

"It was the first time I met Bung Karno," said Soemardi, who retired as a soldier in 1977, with the rank of Second Lieutenant.

Before ending his story, Soemardi asked Ganjar Pranowo a question. He asked about the reason Ganjar wanted to come to visit his house.

Hearing those words, Ganjar Pranowo said that his visit to Soemardi's house was a form of respect and appreciation for the freedom fighters who were still healthy.

He said that since a few days ago he had been looking for information about freedom fighters who are currently still in good health. Of the several names proposed, finally Ganjar chose to visit Soemardi's house.

"I asked my friends, who are the combat veterans who are still healthy today? Several names were shown, then there was the name Pak Soemardi, he used to be a fighter in the transportation department and a Morse expert. That's what attracted me," said Ganjar, Thursday, August 18. .

Ganjar then said that listening to stories from freedom fighters was a very special meal. Because from there, it adds enthusiasm to defend the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and become better.

“Listening to Pak Soemardi's story gives knowledge and enthusiasm for the younger generation and future generations. This is for the young people to know how they used to fight," said Ganjar.

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