SURABAYA - Surabaya Police have dismantled the distribution of 90 kilograms (kg) of methamphetamine and 12 kg of marijuana between provinces, Riau, Bengkulu and East Java. Eight suspects were arrested.

"There are hundreds of packs of methamphetamine. Well, if we weigh it with a total weight of 90.7 kilograms," said the Surabaya Police Chief, Kombes Akhmad Yusep Gunawan, at the Surabaya Police Headquarters, Thursday, August 18.

Yusep explained that the disclosure of the case began when members of the Surabaya Police Narcotics Unit managed to arrest RM, 38, a resident of Bakeri Riau Regency. He was arrested at RM in the Lobby of Hotel Surabaya. "Then the police found methamphetamine which was stored in RM's tote bag," he said.

Furthermore, the police carried out an investigation in the Bengkulu Kepahiang area, Central Bengkulu Regency, Bengkulu Province. Then the police managed to secure suspects AN, 28, BA, 27, and AY, 28.

"The three suspects who were arrested by the police are residents of Surabaya, from the passenger bus bound for Java," he said.

Yusep said that during a search of the three suspects, his party found 42 packages of crystal methamphetamine that had been packaged in Chinese tea bags weighing 43.9 kilograms and one pocket of methamphetamine weighing 3.70 grams.

"The three suspects admitted that they had just taken the illicit shabu from someone at a hotel in Pekanbaru, Riau," he said.

Then at around 03.00 WIB, Wednesday, June 15 2022, Yusep continued, his party arrested two suspects, namely, AL, 25, and CH, 27, at a Medan city restaurant.

The two suspects are residents of Banjarmasin, when a search was carried out, they found 40 packs of Chinese tea containing crystal methamphetamine weighing 41.8 kilograms.

"When interrogated, the two suspects admitted that they had just taken the methamphetamine at a hotel in the city of Medan and were about to be taken to Pekanbaru, the two suspects admitted that they had been operating since 2021," he said.

Then at around 16.30 WIB, Wednesday, July 20, 2022, the police again arrested a suspect, AZ, 24, at his residence in Sidoarjo Regency. During the search, AZ was found to have stored several packs of marijuana, including one pack of 197 grams of marijuana, one pack of 36 grams of marijuana, one pocket of 4.48 grams of marijuana, and one pocket of 4.14 grams of marijuana.

"The item was wrapped in a cloth bag in the attic of his house," he said.

According to AZ's confession, Yusep said, the suspect circulated marijuana for personal gain. Furthermore, based on the information provided by AZ, its members carried out developments on Jalan Kedungrejo Sidoarjo, the police arrested a suspect with the initials EK, 27, at his residence.

"When a search was carried out inside his house, 45 packets of marijuana weighing 13,356.17 grams were found, one pocket of methamphetamine weighing 0.71 grams," he said.

EK admitted that he had served as a courier three times on orders from his superiors with the initials GG (DPO) to store shipments from Jakarta and then circulated them to the customer according to directions from his superiors. "As a result, the suspects are subject to Article 114 paragraph 2 subsidiary Article 112 paragraph 2 in conjunction with Article 132 of Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics with the threat of the death penalty," he said.

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