TABANAN - The Kediri Police Team, Tabanan, Bali, arrested five perpetrators of iron theft by dismantling the foundation of the villa. This iron is worth IDR 50 million.

The perpetrators who were arrested were YN (40), YRT (41) MI (31) DA (48) and SI (63). Police said the perpetrators were scavengers.

"The goods (stolen) have not been sold, they are still being stored," said the Head of the Kediri Police, Kompol I Kadek Ardika, Thursday, August 18.

The theft occurred on Thursday, August 17 at Jalan Bypass Nyanyi, Buwit Village, Kediri District, Tabanan Regency, Bali.

The theft case was discovered after the victim saw the villa's foundation structure was destroyed. It turned out that the iron foundation was missing.

"From the incident, the victim suffered a loss of around Rp. 50 million and the victim reported it to the Kediri Police," added Ardika.

This report is being investigated by the police. The perpetrators were also arrested with evidence of 127 pieces of concrete iron, hacksaw, 4 motorbikes, iron scissors and 2 threaded iron sacks.

"After the five scavengers were interrogated, they admitted that they had stolen the concrete from the project and we secured it to the Kediri Police for further investigation," he said.

The perpetrators are subject to Article 363 letters 4e and 5e with a maximum prison sentence of 7 years.

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