JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo inaugurated four people as candidates for commanders of the 77th anniversary of the Proclamation of Independence of the Republic of Indonesia. All four are from the Police and the TNI.

The first candidate is Kombes Hari Purnomo who serves as Kasubditkomsatpam/Polsus Ditbinpotmas Korbinmas Baharkam Polri. The second candidate is Colonel Agni Prayogo as Danwing 4 ATS Air Base. The third candidate, Marine Colonel (F) Andike Sry Mutia as Dan Pusdikpel Kodiklatal. And the fourth was Colonel Inf Donny Pramono as Dangrup-3/Sandhi Yudha Kopassus.

The four names became candidates for the commander of the Commemoration of the Proclamation of Independence of the Republic of Indonesia.

The Chief of Staff of the Garrison (Kasgartap) I/Jakarta Brigadier General Novi Helmy Prasetya emphasized that tomorrow morning it will be decided who will be the commander of the Commemoration of the Proclamation of Independence of the Republic of Indonesia.

"That's right, tomorrow morning at 07.00 (decision as commander of the Commemoration of the Proclamation of Independence of the Republic of Indonesia) yes. (currently) There are 4 main (ceremonial commanders) and reserves," said TNI Brigadier General Novi Helmy Prasetya when confirmed by VOI, Tuesday, August 16, night.

Brigadier General Novi Helmy Prasetya explained that Wednesday, August 17, 2022 is the determination of who is the commander of the commemoration ceremony for the Proclamation of Independence of the Republic of Indonesia from the four candidates.

"Yes. Tomorrow we will determine the names of the four. Tomorrow at 07.00 all the implementation, including Paskibraka and MC will be delivered tomorrow morning," he said.

Meanwhile, when the VOI tried to find out who the strongest main candidate would be to be the commander of the Commemoration of the Proclamation of Independence of the Republic of Indonesia, Brigadier General Novi Helmy Prasetya was unable to explain in detail and confirm it.

"Not yet. The violation will be later (if it is announced now). Yes, tomorrow (decision), tomorrow morning. If now precedes it," he explained.

TNI Brigadier General Novi Helmy Prasetya still stated that until Tuesday night, the names published in the media were still four candidates.

"Tomorrow morning, it's just the four people who are here first, right, that's right. Yes, it's tomorrow morning, just contact tomorrow," he said.

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