PELAMBANG - A trader of dental medical devices (orthodontic) in Palembang City, South Sumatra is facing a 15-year prison sentence for an alleged case of trafficking without official permission from the Ministry of Health.

Director of the Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation at the South Sumatra Police Kombes Barly Ramadhany said the threat of punishment was contained in the article imposed by investigators on a man with the initials HN (37 years) a resident of Lawang Kidul Village, Ilir Timur III District, Palembang.

The perpetrator is suspected of violating Article 196 in conjunction with Article 98 paragraphs 2 and 3, RI Law number 36 of 2009 concerning Health, Article 197 Juncto Article 106 paragraphs l and 2, RI Law number 36 of 2009 as amended by Article 60 number 10, Juncto Article 60 number 4, RI Law number 11 of 2020 concerning job creation.

Then, Article 62 paragraph 1, Law number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection, Article 106 of the Republic of Indonesia Law number 7 of 2014 concerning Trade as amended in Article 46 number 34 Juncto Article 46 number 6 of the Republic of Indonesia Law number 11 of 2020 concerning Copyright Work.

"Under this article, the perpetrators face a maximum sentence of 15 years in prison and a fine of Rp. 1.5 billion, after investigators have obtained sufficient evidence and information from the perpetrators," he said in Palembang, Antara, Monday, August 15.

Meanwhile, Head of Sub-directorate I Tipid Indagsi AKBP Hadi Syaefudin said, the perpetrator admitted to having been running a business allegedly without permission from the Ministry of Health for the past two years.

The perpetrator's modus operandi was revealed after personnel received complaints from the public who bought medical devices online through the Shoppee and Tokopedia applications, the name of the shop "Arapus Behel Shop" belonging to the perpetrator who was arrested on Saturday, August 6 afternoon.

The personnel confiscated 5,152 dental medical devices including brackets measuring probes, skin ortho wires, niti archwires, syringes, and teeth whiteners, and dental fillings.

“The perpetrator admitted that his business has been operating for two years with consumers starting from pharmacies or private individuals in the South Sumatra region and several surrounding provinces. We are still investigating this case, after the files are sufficient, it will be immediately transferred and put on trial," he said.

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