PALEMBANG - The South Sumatra (Sumsel) Regional Police have deployed personnel to hunt down a herd of automatic teller machine (ATM) thieves in Lubuk Linggau City.

The Head of Public Relations of the South Sumatra Police, Kombes Supriadi, said that the deployment of the South Sumatran Police was to strengthen the Lubuk Linggau Police so that all thieves could be arrested immediately.

Because, he continued, the theft of the ATM machine is a criminal act that has attracted attention because it is believed that the perpetrators had made plans beforehand and were suspected of conspiring.

"So for that reason, we are ready to cover the disclosure of the case," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, August 15.

The South Sumatra Police are also cooperating with banks and other relevant agencies in order to optimize prevention so that similar incidents do not recur.

"In this case, the police will be as optimal as possible in terms of prevention and action in particular," he explained.

Previously, Lubuk Linggau Police Chief AKBP Harissandi said a police officer was suspected of being the mastermind behind the theft of an ATM.

"The police officer is Bripda M Kurniadi (26) who is an active member of the Empat Lawang Police Shabara Unit," he said.

According to him, the police officer is suspected of being one of the three perpetrators of the attempted theft of an ATM machine on Jalan Yos on Jalan Yos Sudarso, East Lubuk Linggau District on Sunday (14/8) morning.

The identity of the police officer was revealed after officers found a brown Police T-shirt in a backpack.

The backpack was stored in a pickup truck as evidence that was confiscated by the Lubuk Linggau Police Criminal Investigation Unit at the scene of the crime.

"After being investigated and finally the person concerned (Bripda MK) was arrested at his home in JA Mekar Jaya Village, Tebing Tinggi District, Empat Lawang, Sunday (14/8) around 11.00 WIB, he said.

Meanwhile, the other two perpetrators are still on the hunt for the Lubuk Linggau Police wanted list.

"Two other perpetrators are in pursuit who are designated as DPOs," he said.

The theft was carried out by the perpetrators on Sunday (14/8) morning at 03.00 WIB.

The perpetrators damaged the BRI bank ATM machine which was in an outlet next to the Lubuk Linggau City Religious Court Office.

"At the location they painted the CCTV camera of the outlet with spray paint so it wouldn't be recorded," he said.

After the ATM machine was pulled out of the concrete, they pulled it with alternating ropes using a black Daihatsu Taft pickup truck with the police number BG-1298-AR which they brought from Empat Lawang.

According to him, the action of the thieves was caught by local residents while trying to transport an ATM machine at around 04.00 WIB.

Because they were caught, the thieves left evidence of a silver Wincor Provah 280 BRI ATM machine, the bottom of which was slightly crushed on the side of the road, including their car.

“One car and an ATM machine have been confiscated. The money in the ATM machine is safe with a total amount of IDR 500,700,000," he added.

For their actions, the perpetrators were suspected of violating Article 163 of the Criminal Code regarding the crime of theft with a weight with a penalty of 7 years in prison.

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