BOGOR - Prosecutors from the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) presented 10 witnesses from government employees and the Bogor Regency Indonesian National Sports Committee (KONI) as witnesses in the alleged bribery case of the BPK RI auditors for West Java Representatives, Monday, August 15.

The witnesses who were presented at the Corruption Court in Bandung, West Java, were Yukie Meistisia Ananda Putri, Deputy Director of Ciawi Hospital, Irman Gapur, Head of the Civil Service Subdivision of Ciawi Hospital, Yuyuk Sukmawati, Head of Finance at Cibinong Hospital.

Then, Saptoaji Eko Sambodo Head of Budget Subsection of Cibinong Hospital, Achmad Wildan Head of Budget Section at Bogor Regency BPKAD, Rieke Iskandar Secretary of KONI Bogor Regency, Mujiyono Head of Finance Subsection of Cibinong District.

Next, Unu Nuriman, Policy Analyst/Head of Sub-Coordinator of PDA-BPBJ-Setda of Bogor Regency, Desirwan Kuslan, Head of Sarpras Division, Bogor Regency Education Office, and Iji Hataji, Head of Finance at Cileungsi Hospital.

The KPK prosecutor originally planned to present 11 witnesses, but one witness failed to appear at the trial, namely Heri Heryana, Head of Finance at the Bogor District Health Office.

The agenda for the examination of the witnesses led by the Chairman of the Panel of Judges, Hera Kartiningsih, had previously been held three times, with a total of 17 witnesses for the KPK.

The KPK prosecutor will present at least 40 witnesses on the agenda of the evidentiary hearing. The witnesses consisted of environmental employees of the Bogor Regency Government, employees of the BPK RI Representatives of West Java and several businessmen.

The witnesses who were presented were examined for the four defendants, namely the inactive Regent Ade Yasin, the Head of Sub-Division of the Regional Head of the Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency (BPKAD) Ihsan Ayatullah, the Secretary of the Public Works and Spatial Planning (PUPR) Office Adam Maulana, and the Commitment Making Officer (PPK) of the Ministry of Public Works and Housing. PUPR Rizki Tufik Hidayat.

Previously, Ade Yasin, through his attorney, Dinalara Butar Butar, was optimistic that he would prove that he was not involved in the alleged bribery case against the BPK RI West Java Representative.

"We are very optimistic that we can prove that our client is innocent in this case," he said as quoted by Antara.

According to him, although the defendant's exception or memorandum of objection was not accepted by the panel of judges chaired by Hera Kartiningsih, his party believes that the judge will be objective and uphold justice.

He is optimistic that the witnesses presented will reveal Ade Yasin's involvement. Moreover, according to him, the KPK did not have evidence when it dragged its client to the alleged bribery case against BPK employees.

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