JEMBER - East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa sent a letter to the Acting Regent of Jember A. Muqit Arief. Khofifah asked the Plt Bupat Jember to impose sanctions on the Head of the Jember Regency Development Planning Agency (Bappekab) Achmad Imam Fauzi because of the statement that cornered him.

Jember Regency Secretary Mirfano when confirmed confirmed the existence of the letter. However, according to him, the sanction from the Governor of East Java could not be imposed directly on the Head of the Jember Bappekab.

"We have followed up on the letter by summoning Pak Fauzi and a number of officials who attended the hearing at the Jember Regency DPRD," Mirfano said as quoted by Antara, Tuesday, November 17.

From the results of the first summons, his party has not found enough evidence to impose sanctions in accordance with the East Java Governor's letter. However, the plan is for the Head of the Jember Bappekab to be recalled.

"I still have not found sufficient evidence to impose sanctions in accordance with the East Java Governor's letter. However, we will call again, then report it to the Acting Regent of Jember, then proceed to the Governor of East Java," he said.

According to Mirfano, his party is the direct supervisor of the Head of the Jember Bappekab so that he has an obligation to call for clarifications. If proven guilty, he can get sanctions.

Meanwhile, in the letter of the Governor of East Java number 739/1977/060/2020 states that the Head of the Jember Bappekab has carried out discipline in the form of giving a statement that the delay in preparing the RKPD of regencies / cities in East Java is due to the Governor's negligence so that this condition is considered to affect the authority / honor of the Governor and East Java Provincial Government.

Therefore, Khofifah asked Plt. The Regent of Jember immediately imposes a severe disciplinary sentence in the form of a demotion to a lower level for 3 years as referred to in Article 7 Paragraph (4) Letter a Government Regulation Number 53 of 2010 concerning Civil Servant Discipline.

In addition, Plt. The Jember Regent was also asked to provide intensive guidance to the Head of the Jember Bappekab to maintain a conducive climate for governance in Jember and the East Java Provincial Government.

Previously, the statement of the Head of the Jember Bappekab was delivered in a hearing with Commission C of the Jember DPRD on October 5, 2020.

In that forum, Fauzi accused the Governor of East Java as being negligent and the Jember 2020 RAPBD discussion was delayed.

The next day, the East Java Provincial Government Inspectorate, reading Fauzi's statement from the online media, immediately called him to appear at the East Java Inspectorate Office, Surabaya, for clarification.

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