JAKARTA - The KPU said that there were ten political parties (parties) whose registration documents were incomplete as candidates for the 2024 General Election.

KPU member Idham Holik explained that out of a total of 31 political parties that have registered as participants in the 2024 election to date, 21 political parties have complete registration documents.

"10 are still being completed by the political parties," said Idham Holik as quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, August 13.

He mentioned that the incomplete document concerns the issue of data input by political parties in the Political Party Information System (Sipol) which has not been completed one hundred percent.

"In general, it is related to a lot of data capacity, because it takes time to upload and requires a lot of resources," he said.

The KPU, said Idham, gave the political parties time to complete their documents until the last registration period on Sunday (14/8) at 23.59 WIB.

"If up to 14 (August) at 23:59 WIB, the ten political parties do not complete, then we declare the documents are incomplete and the registration concerned cannot proceed to the administrative verification stage," said Idham.

The KPU's readiness to face the last day of registration of political parties participating in the 2024 General Election on Sunday (14/8) tomorrow, Idham said that his party had prepared a document inspection team and requested that political parties whose documents were not yet complete could maximize the remaining time to input data into the Sipol application.

A total of 10 political parties whose registration documents are incomplete, namely the Republican Party, Reform Party, Smart, Indonesian People's Democracy Party, People's Sovereignty Party, Berkarya Party, United Indonesia Rise Party, Indonesian People's Swara Party (Parsindo), Pelita Party, and Congress Party.

Meanwhile, the 21 political parties that have registered themselves as participants in the 2024 General Election and whose documents are declared complete by the KPU are the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP), the United Justice Party (PKP), the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), the Crescent Star Party (PBB), Indonesian Unity Party (Perindo), NasDem Party, Nusantara Awakening Party (PKN), Garuda Party.

Then the Democratic Party, Gelora Party, Hanura Party, Gerindra Party, National Awakening Party (PKB), Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI), National Mandate Party (PAN), Golkar Party, United Development Party (PPP), People's Party for the Fair and Prosperous (Prima ), the Labor Party, the Republican Party, and the Ummah Party.

Of the 31 political parties that have registered as participants in the 2024 General Election to date, Idham said that there will be nine political parties that are planned to register on the last day of registration on Sunday (14/8), namely the Republic One Party, the United Nations Party, the Republican Work Party, the Republican Party. Pandu Bangsa, the Indonesian Bhinneka Party, the Masyumi Party, the Peace and Love of the Nation Party, the Sovereignty Party, and the People's Party.

KPU member August Melasz said that there are still three political parties out of a total of 43 political parties holding Political Party Information System (Sipol) accounts that have not confirmed registration as political parties participating in the 2024 General Election, namely the Reform Prosperous Peace Party, the Student Party, and the Village Awakening Movement Party.

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