JAKARTA - The Mayor of Bogor, Bima Arya Sugiarto, encouraged radio to intensify outdoor or off-air activities to attract young people's interest in this digitalization era.

Bima Arya in his opening remarks for the 2022 Radio Festival at the City Square, revealed that radio listeners have declined considerably in all circles. The reason is that there has been a change in platforms that tend to be social media so radio needs to change.

"Even though several decades ago (in the 1980s) radio was extraordinary. In the past, FM radio only had one Voice Between. So when I was in 6th grade, FM was the only Antara Voice, the others were AM. cream of song in Marsela," said Bima reminiscing about his youth as reported by Antara, Saturday, August 13.

Bima revealed that the activities of sending songs via radio are certainly unknown to young people today. Starting in the era of the 2000s, radio began to get tough because it competed with digitalization and the world of social media.

The challenge for radio as a space to entertain and deliver news is to be more creative in terms of presenting content and increasing outdoor activities such as festivals so that people are more open to the existence of radio broadcasts.

Furthermore, it is necessary to regenerate so that creative ideas that are of interest to young people are represented. According to him, radio business opportunities still exist because people are still enthusiastic about audio recordings that are distributed via the internet or commonly called podcasts.

Education built through content should be built by all platforms, so that young people's activities remain positive.

"People now listen to a lot of podcasts too, don't they. They don't see them, but they hear podcasts, laugh, all sorts of things. Well, maybe the problem is the same, content," said Bima.

Bima also supports that Bogor City's public facilities such as the city square can be used for community activities while still complying with the rules of order and maintaining health protocols.

Bima believes that there are three things that need to be absorbed by the radio industry, namely, outdoor activities, creativity in presenting interesting content and collaboration with the government and the private sector.

"The condition is that there is a lot of off water, creativity, and collaboration and the content must be improved with current needs," he said.

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