JAKARTA - Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian said that the formation of a new autonomous region (DOB) for South Papua Province would have a positive impact. One of them is spurring public services to be better.

"Everyone is here. If you want to make permits for those who want to do business, the permits are here. Those who take care of SD, SMP, SMA, Madrasah, all kinds of business are already here, in Merauke. And that will accelerate development in Papua," said the Minister of Home Affairs in information received in Jakarta, Antara, Friday, August 12.

According to the Minister of Home Affairs, Tito, this better service will be obtained because the center of government is in close proximity to the people of Merauke. So, people no longer need to come all the way to Jayapura.

Next, Minister of Home Affairs Tito also mentioned the great potential that exists in South Papua. Not only comes from natural wealth alone but also from the stability and security in Merauke. A relatively safe situation, he said, would make the wheels of government, economy and development run smoothly.

"So I have ordered that it is important to be united. Local governments, governors, later regents, TNI, Polri, prosecutors, all community leaders, both immigrant communities, indigenous Papuans, all must be united in maintaining security," he said. .

On the same occasion, Minister of Home Affairs Tito said that the new autonomous region government of South Papua Province would later need to prioritize aspects of human resource development (HR).

Government ranks, especially the governor in the future, must think about providing education services as free as possible. In addition, local governments are also encouraged to seek scholarships at universities for students in Papua.

Furthermore, the Minister of Home Affairs invited various parties to jointly maintain security in South Papua. The Minister of Home Affairs encourages the attitude of tolerance to continue to be implemented in social life.

"Please develop moderate understandings. Don't insult, insult, vilify other religions, please be careful and correct each other," said the Minister of Home Affairs.

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