JAKARTA - A letter of revocation of power of attorney by Bharada E has been circulated against his two lawyers, Deolipa Yumara and Burhanuddin, in legal assistance in the process of handling the case of the premeditated murder of Brigadier J.

The Director of Criminal Acts of the Indonesian National Police, Brigadier General Andi Rian Djajadi, confirmed this. He said the special team investigators (timsus) had received the letter.

"Yes, it is true that the power of attorney was revoked," said Andi Rian to VOI, Friday, August 12.

However, the reason for Bharada E's withdrawal from the two lawyers is not yet known.

From the available information, Andi said that the two lawyers were not directly appointed by Bharada E. However, it was a recommendation from the investigator after his old lawyer resigned.

"They are lawyers appointed by investigators to accompany Bharada RE in the examination," he said.

"After the initial lawyer appointed by the suspect FS for Bharada RE resigned," continued Andi.

Currently, Bharada E has appointed a new lawyer. The appointment was made directly or personally.

"We have appointed a new lawyer," Andi said

With the revocation of this power of attorney, Bharada E is known to have changed his attorney twice. The first lawyer, Andreas Nahot Silitonga. Then, change to Deolipa Yumara and Burhanuddin.

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