JAKARTA - Circulating surveillance camera or CCTV footage showing the activities of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo before carrying out the murder of Brigadier J. The footage describes the condition of the official house to the ambulance convoy going to the Police Hospital.

The Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo, said that the CCTV footage that was circulating had been pocketed by the Polda Metro Jaya investigators when handling the murder case of Brigadier J.

"The CCTV that has been circulating has certainly been confiscated by the Polda Metro Jaya investigators," said Dedi to reporters, Thursday, August 11.

However, it was not explained further about the events in the CCTV footage.

Inspector General Dedi only said that all the CCTVs that were evidence were now in the pockets of the Special Team (Timsus) of the National Police. Then, there are some decoders that are still being analyzed by the Forensic Laboratory (Labfor).

"Similarly, the deepening of forensic laboratories for scientifically digital evidence will be submitted later because it is part of the evidence of the investigation process which will also be opened in court," he said.

In handling this case, the National Police team also examined Inspector General Ferdy Sambo as a suspect in the murder of Brigadier J. The investigation was carried out at the Mobile Brigade Headquarters Kelapa Dua, Depok.

This examination is the first time for Ferdy Sambo after being named a suspect.

Then, the Timsus also examined another suspect, Strong Maruf. The investigation is said to have taken place at the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police.

"Today, the special team investigators conducted an examination of Inspector General FS as a suspect at the Mobile Brigade Command Headquarters," said Dedi.

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