JAKARTA - Member of the DKI Jakarta DPRD from the Gerindra faction, Mohamad Taufik, said that currently he is still loyal as a cadre of the Gerindra Party. In fact, previously Taufik planned to leave the party led by Prabowo Subianto.

"Yes, until now I have remained loyal to Gerindra. I am still at Gerindra," said Taufik when met at the DKI Jakarta DPRD Building, Wednesday, August 10.

Several months earlier, Taufik had announced that he would leave the DKI Jakarta DPRD member from the Gerindra faction as well as leave the party on 22 June.

However, before he officially submitted his resignation from party cadres, it turned out that the Gerindra Party Honorary Council (MKP) had already proposed to the Gerindra Party Leadership Council (DPP) to sack Taufik.

Therefore, Taufik admitted that it was better to wait for Prabowo Subianto's decision as the General Chair of Gerindra to fire him.

"Before I (officially) left (from Gerindra), I was dismissed (by the MKP). Yes, I'm just waiting for that (dismissal)," he said.

Meanwhile, regarding the plan to move his party to the Nasdem Party, Taufik now admits that he is still waiting for the decision to sack him from Gerindra before joining the new party he is after.

"You have to leave (from Gerindra) first before you can move (parties). You can't be in two parties at the same time," said Taufik.

As is known, on June 2, Taufik confirmed that he was planning to leave the Gerindra Party. Taufik said he wanted to submit his resignation on June 22.

However, on June 7, Gerindra's MKP issued a recommendation for Taufik's dismissal to the Gerindra DPP. The chairperson of the Gerindra MKP session explained that the decision on the proposed dismissal was based on a fairly long process of accumulating errors and violations that had been committed by Taufik as a Gerindra Party cadre, starting from the 2019 presidential election until now.

Until now, the Gerindra Party DPP has not made any decisions regarding the recommendation for the dismissal of the MKP. This was confirmed by the Chairperson of the DKI Gerindra DPD, Ahmad Riza Patria.

"So, the DPP itself has not decided. Later, the DPP itself will have a meeting to address the recommendations of the Party Honorary Council," said Riza.

"Of course we hope that whatever policy the DPP takes will certainly be good for all. That is our hope in DKI Jakarta. We certainly hope that Gerindra in the future in Jakarta, especially at the national level, can be even better," he continued.

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