JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) handed over working capital assistance (BMK) and direct cash assistance (BLT) cooking oil to the participants of the Family Hope Program (PKH) at Sungai Duri Market, Bengkayang Regency, West Kalimantan Province.

The nominal social assistance provided to the BMK is Rp. 1.2 million and BLT for cooking oil is Rp. 300 thousand. To the PKH participants, Jokowi promised to increase the amount of assistance provided.

This is attempted by recalculating the state revenue and expenditure budget (APBN) for the provision of assistance to PKH by the government.

"Later, if we have more money in the APBN, we will, God willing, we will add it," said Jokowi, Tuesday, August 9.

The former Minister of Education and Culture advised the public to take advantage of the BMK as additional working capital or business capital.

This assistance, Jokowi continued, can also be used to meet productive needs and should not be used for things that are not basic needs.

"No, don't buy a cellphone, if it can be used for additional working capital, business capital. If not, then use it for productive needs, don't use it to buy credit," he explained.

Meanwhile, during the provision of cooking oil BLT, Jokowi advised that the aid be used to purchase basic necessities.

"Women, yes, the Rp. 300,000 is for the purchase of basic necessities and cooking oil, yes, the name is for social assistance," said Jokowi.

In addition to handing over BMK and BLT to PKH participants, Jokowi also provided assistance to street vendors and market traders while walking around and greeting the traders.

During this working visit, Jokowi was accompanied by Iriana Joko Widodo, Minister of PUPR Basuki Hadimuljono, Minister of BUMN Erick Thohir, Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini, Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung, Governor of West Kalimantan Sutarmidji, Deputy Governor of West Kalimantan Ria Norsan, and Regent of Bengkayang Sebastianus Darwis.

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