Considered Capable Of Eradicating Extortion And Facilitating The Making Of KIR, This Collection Of Truck Drivers Willing To Reward Become President In 2024
The truck driver painted Ganjar Pranowo's face/ Photo; IST

JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Truck Driver Community has put up banners supporting Ganjar Pranowo President 2024. As many as 500 truck drivers gathered at the East Flood Canal Inspection Street (BKT), Pulo Gebang, Cakung District, East Jakarta to provide support to Ganjar Pranowo.

The Coordinator of the DKI Jakarta Truck Drivers Area, Amin, said that the support for truck drivers is because Ganjar has been called a leader who is serious about the welfare of truck drivers.

"There is attention from figures who really care about drivers on the road. Because we are on the road itself, we don't have a place to complain if there are problems on the road. Well, Pak Ganjar pays attention to these drivers," Amin said, Sunday, August 7th.

Furthermore, Amin said, Ganjar had made a lot of efforts in paying attention to the drivers. Among other things, by taking firm action against all forms of illegal levies (extortion) by irresponsible parties that are very detrimental to drivers.

Then, Ganjar also made the testing process for making KIR easier. Although the scope of his leadership is only in Central Java, Amin said, Ganjar's firmness in paying attention to drivers is felt throughout Indonesia.

Not only that, some time ago Ganjar was said to have met one of the largest truck driver communities in Indonesia in Banyumas.

"Because this driver is difficult to be independent, he only depends on the load. Finally there is a cooperative program from Pak Ganjar, hopefully the drivers can be more independent," he said.

Meanwhile, Abdurrahman Sidiq, a volunteer for the DKI Jakarta Truck Driver Community, said that Ganjar's leadership style and approach to the community is more populist.

"His approach to drivers is very humane, his policies are also very populist. We drivers really hope that with Pak Ganjar Pranowo as President in 2024, extortion can be abolished and drivers are safe on the road and their safety is maintained," said Sidiq.

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