TANGERANG - A total of 12 Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) tonight, Friday, August 5 arrived at Soekarno Hatta Airport, Tangerang City, Friday, August 5, at 19.40 WIB. They are Indonesian citizens (WNI) who are victims of fraud and the crime of trafficking in persons (TPPO) in Cambodia.

The Director of the Protection of Indonesian Citizens (WNI) at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Judha Nugraha, said the PMI's condition was in good condition. The reason is that before they were dispatched to Indonesia, the dozens of Indonesian citizens underwent counseling at the Indonesian Embassy in Pnom Penh.

"In general, their physical condition is good, their psychological condition when we temporarily accommodate them at the Indonesian Embassy in Pnom Penh, they have undergone counseling which of course will be continued at the RPTC," Judha told reporters at Soekarno Hatta Airport, Tangerang City, August 5.

Judha said that the dozens of PMIs who had arrived today came from various regions, such as North Sumatra to the Riau Islands. Furthermore, the plan is for them to be in a rehabilitation facility owned by the Ministry of Social Affairs.

"So just the area of origin, yes. They come from North Sumatra, West Sumatra, South Sumatra, Riau Islands, East Java and also from South Sulawesi and the majority are women," said Judha.

"We have carried out the handover process with the Ministry of Social Affairs and they will later be placed in the RPTC (Trauma Center Protection House) of the Ministry of Social Affairs," he continued.

As is known, the dozens of victims of fraud and the criminal act of trafficking in persons (TPPO) will be on a plane together with the Minister of Foreign Affairs (Menlu) Retno Marsudi to return to the country.

"With the same plane as the Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi," said Head of the Indonesian Migrant Workers Protection Agency (BP2MI) Benny Rhamdani, at Soetta Airport, Thursday evening, August 4.

Furthermore, they will be temporarily accommodated at the Jakarta Athlete's Wisma in accordance with the Indonesian government's plan to evacuate PMI from being held captive in Cambodia from the Indonesian government. After that, they immediately carried out the process of returning to their respective villages.

According to him, the migrant workers who had experienced the confinement were victims of cases of illegal Indonesian labor placement syndicates through social media.

"Through social media, they were promised work unofficially. Then after knowing what was given to them, it turned out that they were asked to commit fraud to fellow Indonesians," he said.

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