JAKARTA - Triawan Munaf was officially appointed as President Commissioner of PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. This has been decided at the Garuda Indonesia Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS) which will be held today, Wednesday 22 January.

Apart from appointing the former Head of the Creative Economy Agency to become the Garuda Commissioner, the EGMS also appointed former PT INTI (Persero) President Director (Dirut) Irfaniaputra as the Garuda Indonesia Managing Director.

Triawan replaces the previous Komut, Sahala Lumban Gaol. Meanwhile, Irfan took the position of I Gusti Ari Askhara, who was dismissed due to the Harley Davidson smuggling case. In the Board of Commissioners, the EGMS also appointed the son of former president Gus Dur, Yenny Wahid, as an Independent Commissioner.

BUMN Minister Erick Thohir said that his party at the BUMN Ministry is trying to find the best figure who will sit in managing the Garuda Indonesia flight carrier.

"I hope that Pak Irfaniaputra can carry out his mandate well, follow the principles of Good Corporate Governance and can bring Garuda even better. Pak Triawan Munaf with all his experiences will certainly be able to provide input on marketing strategies and improve the image of Garuda which was disturbed," said Erick. in a statement received by VOI, Wednesday, January 22.

Especially for Yenny Wahid, said Erick, he admitted that Yenny was a very capable female figure. "Bu Yenny is a reliable Independent Commissioner, representing the public", explained Erick Thohir.

The following are the names of the board of commissioners and directors of this state-owned airline:


1. President Commissioner: Triawan Munaf

2. Vice President Commissioner: Chairal Tanjung

3. Independent Commissioner: Yenny Wahid

4. Independent Commissioner: Elisa Lumbantoruan

5. Commissioner: Peter Gontha


1. President Director: Irfaniaputra

2. Deputy President Director: Dony Oskaria

3. Director of Finance and Risk Management: Fuad Rizal

4. Operation Director: Tumpal Manumpak Hutapea

5. Director of Human Capital: Aryaperwira Adileksana

6. Technical Director: Rahmat Hanafi

7. Director of Services, Business Development and IT: Ade R. Susardi

8. Director of Commerce and Cargo: M. Rizal Pahlevi

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