JAKARTA - Member of Commission I DPR, Kresna Dewanata Phrosakh, said that the discussion of the Bill on Amendment to Law Number 32/2002 on Broadcasting (RUU Broadcasting) will target the disseminators of indecent digital videos, especially videos that are not child friendly.
"There are some digital broadcasts today that are very uneducative, even the most evil people, are people who share these things. So I think we will tighten this regulation again through the Personal Data Protection Law, as well as the Broadcasting Law. in particular, "he said, in Jakarta, Saturday, November 14, as reported by Antara.
He stated that he would also support the Ministry of Communication and Informatics in dealing with deviant behavior in the digital world properly.
In addition, according to him, people need to innovate in filtering non-educating shows. So that the next generation is ready to take advantage of technology in the next industrial era that may be even more sophisticated.
"I also entrust morally that shows in the digital world must be properly filtered. We know our children are the future of our nation. We must protect them from the disturbances that arise from this digital world, " he said.
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