JAKARTA - Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo is willing to be bathed in the hot sun while motivating new students at the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gajah Mada (FT UGM).

Wearing the beskap, Ganjar invites students to prepare for future challenges, and Indonesia's big dream in 2045.

Ganjar Pranowo as the resource person was initially given a place on the stage in the New Student Success Learning Training event (PPSMB) for the UGM Kesatria Teknik 2022. Ganjar sat for a while before deciding to get off the stage, and approached 1,514 new students in the courtyard. He deliberately got off the stage, so he could feel the heat of the sun with the students.

“If you are hot, I must be too hot. Agree?" said Ganjar starting the dialogue, while getting off the stage for the talk show themed Consolidating Generations: Self-Exploration and Optimizing.

Ganjar's action was spontaneously greeted by applause from thousands of students, who came from various regions in Indonesia. They seemed to agree with Ganjar's steps, who participated in the heat under the hot sun.

In the event, Ganjar told about the changing world conditions, as well as the challenges of the nation in the future and the dreams of Indonesia's 2045 vision. According to Ganjar, in Indonesia's golden year, the students in front of him will be 40-41 years old on average. At that age they will become leaders of the country, and leaders of almost all sectors.

“In this engineering (faculty) there are definitely the best children from all over Indonesia. So then I tried to give the vision so that they would prepare themselves, and the stages are certainly not easy,” said Ganjar when met after the event, Friday, August 5.

There are many factors that can influence the preparation of the nation's young generation, ranging from self-capacity, facilities, external pressure, ideological, drugs, to radicalism. Therefore there must be a vision given to guide them to walk on the right track.

"They have to get on the right track. Of course there will be assistance during the teaching and learning process, with the lecturer. We tried to share the challenges they will face later," said Ganjar.

Ganjar explained that it is hoped that the introduction of these various problems will make everyone have an idea or homework that must be resolved. So every time they learn and breathe, they have a more holistic way of thinking.

"I ordered them in the midst of the world's challenges and prepare themselves, there are parents who are waiting, who have raised and are full of hope, so they must respect their parents," he said.

There are many examples of innovations made by FT UGM students. Some of the works were even exhibited at the PPSMB Kesatria Teknik 2022 event. The goal is to encourage new students to have good achievement motivation.

“When he wanted to explore himself, they were already prepared. Is my talent just engineering, or maybe I have leadership talent, maybe I also have sports talent, entrepreneurial talent, sociopreneur talent. So, for example, there was someone who aspired to become an entrepreneur who manages waste. Something has been thought of, and already has a goal, “explained Ganjar.

On that occasion, Ganjar also advised female students not to be afraid and anxious. Especially related to the opportunity to be involved in the professional world. Because currently there are many affirmations and acknowledgments of women.

For example, many important positions are currently entrusted to women, such as the Minister of Finance, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Head of BMKG, or a number of heads of offices in Central Java Province.

"It was Virgi who asked, the school is Electrical Engineering. I see he already has a dream for the future and confidence, but he needs confirmation from the perpetrators, the government, what will happen. I assure him, you face a much better situation later, "he said.

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