JAKARTA - The Democrat Party faction insists that the DPR form a special committee (pansus) Jiwasraya instead of the working committee (panja) in the related commissions, namely III, VI, and XI. The reason is because the panja does not have a strong carrying capacity.

Democrat Party faction member Benny K Harman suspects that the alleged corruption case within PT Asuransi Jiwasraya has flowed to people in the circle of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). Therefore, his party wants this case to be investigated through the special committee.

"(The Jiwasraya case) is linked to groups of individuals who may be in the circle of power, if in the circle of power it is not certain that President Jokowi will know. It could be the people who sold the Palace. We want to dismantle it," he said, at the DPR Building, Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, January 21.

Not only that, Benny also suspects that the flow of funds is also related to the interests of the 2019 elections. This is because the Jiwasraya policy default case began to emerge ahead of 2019.

"In fact, currently there are allegations of prejudice to the public. Because it happened before 2019, the public has made a conclusion, maybe the Jiwasraya case is part of an effort to mobilize electoral interests," he said.

This member of Commission III assessed that Jiwasraya's financial crisis should not be covered up. As people's representatives, public assumptions must be answered clearly.

"We have to dismantle it. If we cover it up, it will confirm the public's prejudice that the Jiwasraya case is indeed a bancakan case that was carried out on purpose, to mobilize funds to achieve certain political interests," he explained.

Benny emphasized that the formation of the Jiwasraya Special Committee was not meant to overthrow Jokowi. He also believes that Jokowi will support the formation of the special committee.

"We are very sure that Pak Jokowi wants the Jiwasraya case to be resolved. He cannot cover it up. He is open. That is his commitment. To improve the situation and pay close attention to the needs of the people," said Benny.

Benny also considered that the existence of the panja was not urgent. Panja does not have a strong carrying capacity like the special committee which has the right to inquiry and the right to interpellation.

"Panja Jiwasraya does not have a strong support capacity to carry out investigations into major crimes that are complicated, organized, and systemic," he said.

Threatening to Use Questionnaire Rights

Deputy Chairman of the Democrat Party, Syariefuddin Hasan, said that the Democrats are considering the use of the interpellation right or the right to inquiry against the government for the Jiwasraya case. This is because the majority of the DPR are reluctant to push the special committee (special committee) to resolve the Jiwasraya problem.

Democrats still insist on forming a special committee. On the other hand, the DPR has formed a working committee at Commission VI and Commission XI. As well as Commission III which oversees the Jiwasraya legal process at the Attorney General's Office.

Previously, factions in the DPR wanted a special committee to investigate the Jiwasraya policy default case. However, to balance the government's work in investigating this case, the DPR chose a faster route, namely by forming a working committee (Panja) in the related commissions. The reason is because the Special Committee needs a longer time to form.

Syarief said that the Democrats lost their political power in the DPR because the coalition of supporters of President Jokowi was bigger. Realizing that it was not comparable, the Democratic Faction considered the use of the interpellation right or the right to inquiry.

"But if they keep walking, let's just look, maybe on the way if necessary we make an interpellation right or a questionnaire," he said.

According to Syarief, the Jiwasraya Panja did not have the power to take this case higher. Meanwhile, if you form a special committee, there are legal consequences if the party summoned refuses to be presented to the DPR.

"If the Panja cannot continue to a higher place, it cannot issue the right to express an opinion, but only a recommendation recommendation and also if the Panja wants to summon a working meeting there will be no legal consequence, it is not mandatory," he explained.

Proposed by the DPR, Canceled by the DPR

As is well known, initially raised a discourse on the formation of a special committee (special committee) to investigate the failed payment of the PT Asuransi Jiwasraya policy by the DPR.

A number of factions in the DPR consider the special committee to be the right place for members of the council to participate in overseeing and supervising the investigation of suspected corruption cases in this red-plate insurance company. On January 13, during a plenary meeting, the proposal of the Jiwasraya Special Committee even echoed. A number of faction members interrupted.

At that time, Deputy Speaker of the DPR, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, stated that five of the nine factions agreed to form the Jiwasraya Special Committee. The five factions are NasDem, PKS, Gerindra, Democrats and Golkar.

At that time, he said the DPR would hold a leadership meeting and a meeting of the deliberative body (Bamus) to discuss the proposal for the formation of the special committee.

However, two days after stating that there were five factions that approved the formation of the Special Committee, on January 15, Dasco revealed that the plan had failed because the special committee was deemed time consuming.

Dasco also said that the DPR leadership encouraged the related commissions, namely Commission III, Commission VI, and Commission XI to form a working committee (panja).

"I think it will take too long to make a special committee process. So because the government has done things that we need to respond quickly, we will immediately," said Dasco.

He stated that the DPR must move quickly to balance the government's steps in handling the Jiwasraya crisis.

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