MEDAN - The Labuhanbatu Police Criminal Investigation Unit team, North Sumatra, arrested an ASN with the initials J alias E (43). This ASN was arrested for helping his colleague ST (33) steal a motorbike at the house of police officer Aiptu Zulkifli Rambe.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Labuhanbatu Police, AKP Rusdi Marzuki, said that the two perpetrators often took action by targeting empty houses left by their owners.

"They are targeting vacant houses and temporarily abandoned houses or warehouses where storage is not guarded around the City of Rantauprapat," AKP Rusdi told VOI, Wednesday, August 3.

AKP Rusdi explained that the theft by the two perpetrators occurred on Wednesday, July 20, at Jalan Batu Sangkar, Sioldengan Village, Rantau Selatan District, Labuhanbatu Regency. As a result of the perpetrator's actions, the victim suffered losses of up to Rp. 21 million.

"Before taking action, the perpetrator ST (33) had monitored the warehouse located behind the victim's house. Then the perpetrator looked for the right time to act," he said.

After feeling safe, the perpetrator then entered the warehouse at around 02.00 WIB, through asbestos made from palm fronds.

"Then the perpetrators unlocked the hinges of the warehouse and fled 1 Kawasaki KLX motorbike. The perpetrators pushed the motorbike to Simpang Shield," he said.

The perpetrator then called his colleague J Als E (43) to ride the KLX motorbike. The motorbike was then taken to K's house which is not far from Rantauprapat Hospital.

"After that, the perpetrator ST returned to the warehouse to take 1 Honda Astrea motorbike because coincidentally the key was attached to the motorbike. The perpetrator also took a pink jacket and took the motorbike to brother K's house," continued AKP Rusdi.

Knowing the goods were missing from the warehouse, the victim then reported it to the Labuhanbatu Police. Police checked CCTV footage looking for clues.

The two thieves were arrested while in the Taslim neighborhood, Sirandorung Village. The two perpetrators and the evidence were then taken to the Labuhanbatu Police Headquarters for the investigation process.

The perpetrator ST is known to be a recidivist in a motorcycle theft case. "That ST is a recidivist who has been in and out of jail 4 times in the same case. The two perpetrators were processed in 3 cases at once, namely theft with a weighting of 2 cases and 1 case of motorcycle embezzlement," explained AKP Rusdi.

As a result of his actions, the two suspects were charged with different articles. The perpetrator of ST, was charged with Article 363 paragraph 1 to 5 of the Criminal Code with the threat of imprisonment for a maximum of 7 years.

"Meanwhile, the perpetrator with the initial J applies Article 480 to 1 of the Criminal Code with the threat of a maximum prison sentence of 4 years," said AKP Rusdi.

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