JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government officially denies the increase in share ownership in PT Delta Djakarta Tbk. This has also been confirmed by the Anker Bir producer, that there was an error in the preparation of the monthly PT Delta Djakarta Tbk securities holder registration report for the period of October 2020.

The Director of Finance and Corporate Secretary of PT Delta Djakarta Tbk, Alan Fernandez explained that the monthly Delta Djakarta report uploaded on November 9, 2020 on the IDX was prepared by the Securities Administration Bureau PT Raya Saham Registra. In this report, there should be no additional shares in the names of the shareholders of the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta and San Miguel Malaysia.

"The total shares of the DKI Jakarta Regional Government are 210,200,700 shares or equivalent to 26.25 percent and the total shares of San Miguel Malaysia (L) PTLD is still 467,061,150 shares, which is equivalent to 58.33 percent," said Alan in his disclosure. information from Delta Djakarta, Thursday, November 13.

Alan explained, due to the error in the monthly report of PT Delta Djakarta's registration of securities holders for the period of October 2020, the company had corrected and sent the monthly report on November 13.

Director of PT Raya Saham Registra, Lusiany Lugina, as the Securities Administration Bureau entrusted by Delta Djakarta, apologized for the misplacement of the share numbers belonging to the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government and San Miguel Malaysia.

"For this mistake we apologize profusely and we are taking preventive steps so that this does not happen again," said Lusiany.

Capital market analyst from CSA Research Institute Reza Priyambada regretted what happened to the typos and wrong number inputs made by Delta Djakarta and Raya Saham Registra. This is quite fatal because the numbers displayed are able to provoke polemic.

And sure enough, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government immediately denied and made an official press release that they did not increase the share portion in Delta Djakarta. According to Reza, the Securities Administration Bureau should have been more thorough.

"So this is the human error factor. I don't know what was thought when I uploaded it. But what makes it lively and interesting to discuss is because the moment is right with the discussion of the Alcoholic Beverage Bill," Reza told VOI, Friday, November 13.

Previously, the Head of the DKI Jakarta BUMD Development Agency said that DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan wanted to sell Delta Djakarta shares. However, until now this has not materialized because until now the DKI DPRD has not approved Anies to sell the shares of the Anker beer company.

"The increase in shares must first pass the DPRD approval and a series of other procedures that have never happened. In fact, we have also sent letters to the DPRD for approval of the sale of shares, but this has not yet been approved," said Faisal in his statement, Friday, November 13.

Faisal explained that the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has applied for approval for the sale of PT Delta Djakarta shares several times to the DKI Jakarta Provincial DPRD.

"There are three letters of application for the sale of beer shares that have been submitted by the DKI Provincial Government to the DPRD. Among them are the DKI Governor's Letter Number 479 / -1.822, Number 91 / -1.822, and Number 177 / -1.822," he said.

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