BOGOR - Acting Bogor Regent Iwan Setiawan admitted that he would immediately follow up on the findings of the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) regarding the potential for state losses of around Rp40 billion in a number of regional apparatuses.

"There is a potential for large state losses of around Rp40 billion that must be followed up. In the form of overpayments or inappropriate fines," said Iwan Setiawan in Cibinong, Bogor Regency, West Java, as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, August 2.

According to him, the findings listed in the Examination Results Report (LHP) of the BPK RI West Java Representative on the Bogor Regency Government's financial report for the 2021 fiscal year will be completed in less than 60 days.

"It must be followed up on recommendations from the BPK in the next 60 days," he said.

Iwan said the maladministration findings were in several regional apparatuses, such as the Health Office (Dinkes), the Public Works and Spatial Planning Office (PUPR), and the Bogor Regency Goods/Services Procurement Service Unit (ULPBJ).

The existence of a number of findings in the regional government's financial statements for the 2021 fiscal year, has made the Bogor Regency Government receive a qualified opinion (WDP) from the BPK RI, after previously receiving an unqualified opinion (WTP) six times in a row.

Iwan along with the Bogor Regency Government admitted that they had tried their best in presenting transparent and accountable financial reports in accordance with Government Regulation Number 71 of 2010 concerning Government Accounting Standards.

However, in the eyes of BPK, there are still some shortcomings that need to be improved and must be followed up seriously for the sake of improving future financial statements.

"We are very grateful to the audit team from BPK-RI for all their recommendations and inputs during the inspection period, and are very useful for improving the quality of financial reports and improving the internal control system as well as compliance with laws and regulations in the coming year," said Iwan.

The reason is that the detailed examination of the Regional Government Financial Statements for the 2021 Fiscal Year is carried out in two stages. The first inspection was carried out from March 28 to April 26 2022, then the second stage was carried out from May 17 to July 1 2022.

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