KUPANG - The DPRD for the Province of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) encourages the local government to coordinate with the central government regarding the determination of tariffs for entering the tourist areas of Komodo Island and Padar Island.

This is because the entrance fee to the two tourist sites is still under the authority of the Ministry of Forestry and the Environment (KLHK).

"We hope that the NTT Regional Government will immediately coordinate with the center on setting new tariffs for entry to Komodo Island because until now the old tariffs set by the central government are still valid, so there is no overlap in the application of tariffs for entry to Komodo Island," said the chairman of the DPRD. NTT Province Emilia Nomleni in Kupang, Antara, Monday, August 1.

The NTT government needs to coordinate with the Ministry of Environment so that it becomes clear about the determination of tariffs for entry to Komodo Island. The NTT local government also needs to involve local communities in setting the entrance fee to Komodo National Park (TNK) because the people on the western tip of Flores Island are the owners of KNP even though it is managed by the state.

He said many parties questioned the authority of the NTT Provincial Government in setting tariffs for entry to Komodo Island because Komodo National Park is under the authority of the Ministry of Forestry and Environment.

The NTT Provincial DPRD fully supports the socialization of efforts to conserve ecosystems on Komodo Island, but what needs to be considered is how the community is involved because the owner of the Komodo National Park is the West Manggarai community, even though it is managed by the state but the owner is the community.

"We agreed to do conservation, of course there are many things that need to be done, be it financing but also restrictions and that must be protected, conservation is expensive and there is a positive impact that we protect ecosystems and also maintain the balance of nature and also food from ancient animals, although Rinca Island was opened with the old tariff and people can switch to it, but we still think about supporting facilities such as infrastructure, security, tourist assistance from these ancient animals which are also very dangerous, "said Emilia Nomleni added.

Emilia Nomleni said the regional regulation on tariffs for Komodo and Padar islands had never been discussed with the East Nusa Tenggara Provincial DPRD because Komodo National Park is managed by the Ministry of the Environment.

"This means that the NTT Provincial Government and West Manggarai Regency do not have great authority to determine the new tariff, therefore the NTT Provincial Government must coordinate with the Ministry of Forestry and Environment which manages KNP so that the tariffs set have a legal umbrella and do not seem to play with the rules," said Emilia Nomleni.

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