JAKARTA - The nostalgia of taking an angkot in Purbalingga was the desire of Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo which finally materialized last week. However, why should it be in Purbalingga?

The regency in Central Java is the hometown of Siti Atiqoh, Ganjar's wife. Ganjar and Siti had time to discuss it when they were both sitting in the passenger seat of an angkot that drove in the morning.

Siti admitted that her parents, who were originally from Purbalingga, used to be angkot owners. Ganjar did not deny it, instead responded in a joking tone.

"Mbiyen the governor's father-in-law n'duwe angkot, enggo Anake's school (the governor's father-in-law used to have an angkot. For his children's school)," said Siti, quoted from Ganjar Pranowo's YouTube channel.

"Mulane anake is fussy (that's why her child is fussy). Come on, Purbalingga-Purbalingga [imitate the voice of the kernet]," answered Ganjar.

On the way to the angkot, Ganjar was offered to sit in the front next to the driver's seat. However, the PDI-P (PDIP) politician rejected it.

"Alah here mbayen (in the passenger seat only)," he said.

Ganjar also invited the angkot driver to talk. The former member of the DPR was curious about the income the driver earned during a day of activities.

"Sedino chimed in by piro, sir (how much do you earn by taking angkot, sir?" asked Ganjar.

"Sepet sir," replied the angkot driver.

"Yes pira? (yes, how much?)," said Ganjar

"Sometimes rongatus ewu is dirty (sometimes Rp. 200 thousand, gross income)," said the driver.

"Dirty? It's ben cleaned (dirty? Washed so it's clean)," joked Ganjar.

The conversation with the driver then ended. Ganjar and Siti arrived at their destination. Ganjar was apparently scheduled to visit one of the schools in Purbalingga that morning.

At the school, Ganjar advised students and teachers to continue implementing health protocols because the COVID-19 pandemic was not over yet. Ganjar and his wife also went around the school to see the activities of the students studying.

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