JAKARTA - The principal of an elementary school in Spandau, Berlin, Germany reported that an 11-year-old student threatened to behead his teacher. The threat came after a teacher defended a history teacher who was beheaded by his student in France, Samuel Paty.

Quoting RT, Thursday 12 November, the principal named Karina Jehniche said that her students were stunned when the student threatened her teacher. The student said, "I will do the same to you as the boy did to the teacher in Paris."

Previously, the student had also said something surprising during a moment of silence in memory of Samuel Paty. The 11-year-old reportedly told a friend that it was okay to kill someone who had insulted the prophet.

A religious leader who was present immediately spoke with the child. The school then sent him home after talking to his parents.

The news came a week after officials in France said that eight-year-old children were being investigated for defending Paty's murder. Across France, according to Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin, there were 66 open questions regarding alleged support for terrorism after the teacher's murder.

Samuel Paty

Some time ago, a teacher in Paris, France named Samuel Paty was killed in front of his school on the outskirts of Paris by his 18-year-old student. Previously Paty showed her students cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad in a class about freedom of expression.

The suspect, who is 18 years old, is an immigrant from Chechnya. He was then shot dead by the police after the attack. In addition, the authorities have also detained 11 people who are suspected of being involved in the murder. Paty's death sparked a crackdown by the French government on Islamic extremism. President Emmanuel Macron defended the Prophet Muhammad cartoon publisher, Charlie Hebdo, citing freedom of speech.

Several Muslim countries, particularly Turkey, have criticized France and other European countries for refusing to condemn the cartoon.

France, with the largest Muslim community in Europe, has experienced a series of attacks by extremists in recent years, including the 2015 bombings and shootings in Paris that killed 130 people. In 2016 it took place in the city of Nice where a militant drove a truck through a crowd during Bastille Day celebrations. The incident killed 86 people.

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