SURABAYA - The application of the Integrated Information System for Poverty Reduction (Sinta Gelis) was launched by the East Java Provincial Government. The application is a strategy so that East Java will be zero in extreme poverty by 2024, according to Presidential Instruction (Inpres) No. 4 year 2022

"We continue to be asked to innovate in building a strong database. It's not just a database, Sinta Gelis is a cross-sector integration," said Deputy Governor of East Java Emil Elestianto Dardak as quoted from a written statement, Monday, August 1.

Emil explained the Sinta Gelis application as an answer to the problems that had been faced so far, in synchronizing data on poverty reduction program beneficiaries with integrated social welfare data (DTKS). To note, this application contains data by name by address based on data from DTKS and recipients of the East Java poverty reduction program targets.

"We hope that each agency will be able to inventory its program later. Do not let the different paths, so that the consequences are not concentrated on the target to be addressed. If later it is found that there is a meeting point between the services, maybe it can be used for poverty alleviation," he said.

Emil Dardak's findings regarding the high poverty rate but low unemployment.

"It indicates that a lot of poverty is not due to not working, but working in places that do not produce. This kind of thing should be a joint PR because it is not just distributing social assistance," he said.

As a complement to Sinta Gelis, the Fostered Village program: Dharma Bhakti Nagari was also launched, which is planned to be started in 7 districts in East Java.

Dharma Bhakti Nagari is an extra intervention in the form of a system specifically designed to support the acceleration of poverty reduction that is comprehensive, integrated and more focused on certain village targets that have been set.

This year Dharma Bhakti Nagari is targeting 14 villages in 7 districts as a pilot project, namely Kab. Bojonegoro, Kab. Kediri, Kab. Malang, Kab. Lamongan, Kab. Jember, Kab. Pamekasan and Kab. Probolinggo.

"This fostered village is the use of Sinta Gelis. In line with the central government, we must be able to move in the midst of a more structured improvement, there must be a more directed movement," he said.

Meanwhile, TNP2K Executive Secretary Suprayoga Hadi, stated that the key to this program is convergence. The central government has provided substantial funds for poverty alleviation. So, what is PR is to improve target data.

"So, through this syntax, it is hoped that it can reduce exclusion errors by temporarily using family data from the BKKBN," he said.

All of these steps have the hope that the entire region, supported by the ministry, will unite to pursue the target of eliminating extreme poverty.

In 2022, the central government has declared 212 districts/cities as pilot projects, 25 of which are in East Java.

"This is a joint effort from the Central, Provincial, Regency/City levels to the sub-district and village levels. The point is that we must continue to work together to continue to pursue targets according to Presidential Instruction No. 4 of 2022," he said.

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