Calls For The Rejection Of LGBT At Citayam Fashion Week, Tenabang Youth Leader: Don't Go Too Far
Tanah Abang Leaders Oration (Photo: Rizky Sulistio)

JAKARTA - A different view can be seen at the welcoming of the Islamic New Year 1 Muharram on Jalan Tanjung Karang, Dukuh Atas area, Tanah Abang on Friday, July 29, evening.

Hundreds of residents of various ages crossed the Citayam Fashion Week (CFW) area while carrying torches, calling for a strong rejection of the existence of LGBT in open spaces (public spaces) because it would have a negative impact on society, especially Tanah Abang residents.

Hundreds of residents who held the torch relay were seen carrying banners and writing boards containing the moral message "Happy Islamic New Year 1444 H, disband LGBT in CFW".

During the torch relay, the voice of "Creativity yes, LGBT no," was heard from the loudspeaker.

Heru Nuryaman, a Tanah Abang figure, said that apart from the torch relay, his party also gave a moral message, especially in the Upper Hamlet area. Residents in Dukuh Atas are asked to maintain norms.

"Don't violate the norms of religion, culture, customs and traditions. We don't prohibit activities here but don't go too far," said Heru.

Heru continued, Tanah Abang residents balked at LGBT activities in the Dukuh Atas area. The creativity that occurs here is also called a gathering of LGBT people.

"So please be creative, don't go too far. But this seems like an LGBT gathering place," he said.

Previously, it was reported that the use of public space or community interaction spaces in the Dukuh Atas area, Central Jakarta is increasingly being loved by young people.

This area became viral on social media after it was filled with a number of SCBD teenagers (Sudirman, Citayam, Bojonggede, Depok).

They come to the area for a variety of interests and activities. In fact, many create various social media content in the open area.

However, over time, the Citayam Fashion Week (CFW) youth creativity event, began to display unusual clothing. Currently, there are many underage boys who wear women's clothes and use the zebra cross as a fashion catwalk.

Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta, Ahmad Riza Patria, stated that his party was worried about the association of SCBD teenagers in the Dukuh Atas area who began to behave deviantly.

The existence of freedom of expression, including negative things, is feared to be absorbed by teenagers in the area. Moreover, the underage teenagers are in public space without any guidance and supervision from their parents.

"That is also our concern, there are our children who are underage, male junior high school wear women's clothes. We avoid this, they use women's clothes proudly," said Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta, Ahmad Riza to reporters at the location, Saturday. , July 23, evening.

Riza promised that the DKI Provincial Government would immediately provide coaching, guidance and persuasive education to teenagers in the Dukuh Atas area.

"Hopefully, we will gradually carry out coaching, guidance, persuasive education so that these children are awake," he said.

The DKI Provincial Government will also anticipate symptoms of sexual deviation behavior in public spaces.

"From promiscuity, which is not good, from potential LGBT symptoms we avoid immediately, we will overcome it," he said.

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