JAKARTA – The large number of paper documents that are archived from year to year are now starting to switch to digital, both in documents and the filing system itself.

With the development of information technology through the process of digitizing documents, operational work at the company has become easier.

According to data from Forrester.com, as many as 43 percent of companies in Indonesia have implemented digital transformation. Cost efficiency, ease of doing work and availability of space are the main considerations for companies to start switching, besides data security is also a very important main thing.

Indonesia ICT Institute's digital economy and technology observer Heru Sutadi said digital transformation must be accompanied by security.

Referring to Law (UU) Number 11 of 2008 that the Utilization of Information Technology and Electronic Transactions is carried out based on the principles of legal certainty, benefit, prudence, good faith, and freedom to choose technology or neutral technology.

In line with the law, the current government continues to encourage the acceleration of digital transformation in various sectors by paying attention to digital security infrastructure so that the potential for cyber crime can be reduced.

"Digital transformation must be supported by increased cybersecurity to maintain the security of users' digital data or documents," said Heru in an electronic message received in Jakarta, Friday, July 29.

With regard to electronic documents, Heru Sutadi sees that currently many Indonesians are starting to switch to using E-Meterai and Digital Signatures which are safer and more efficient as well as having power in the eyes of the law.

“In recent years, people have started to switch to using digital platforms for Electronic Documents. Now the affixing of Stamps using an e-seal and also a signature is easier because it is digital, its security is guaranteed and it is legally valid in the eyes of the law because there is already a legal umbrella, "explained Heru.

Legally, the use of E-Meterai is based on UU-ITE Article 1 paragraph 9 concerning Electronic Certification and is contained in Law 10/2020 concerning Stamp Duty, where the government expands the definition of documents that are not only in the form of paper, but also electronic documents. Contracts entered into electronically via the internet can also be subject to stamp duty.

One of the platforms for affixing E-Seal and Digital Signatures can be done through the DIMENSY Platform.

A platform that collaborates with the Indonesian Money Printing General Company (PERURI) to distribute digital security products in the form of E-Stamps, Digital Signatures, Digital Stamps, Digital Certificates and KEYLA.

The DIMENSY platform helps the process of validating work documents and ensures the security of digital data through the support of multilayer security, document management systems and automatic storage systems. Many business sectors have used the DIMENSY Platform, from the financial and banking sectors to the education sector.

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