SIDOARJO - The government of Sidoarjo Regency, East Java made three sub-districts, namely Buduran, Candi and Gedangan sub-districts as pilot locations for stunting audits.

Head of the Office of Women's Empowerment, Child Protection and Family Planning in Sidoarjo Regency, Ainun Amalia, said the three sub-districts were included in the high risk zone.

"This stunting audit is an instruction from the center that was sent to the province. The province ordered districts/cities to conduct an audit related to stunting based on Presidential Regulation 72 of 2021," he said on the sidelines of socializing the identification of stunting audits at the Balongdowo Village Office, Candi District, reported by ANTARA, Friday, July 29.

He asked the village head and the people of Balongdowo not to be discouraged, because the village was used as a stunting locus.

Ainun said for Indonesia in 2024 stunting cases fell to 14 percent and at the East Java Province level it was still 21 percent.

"Based on data from Bappeda, Sidoarjo Regency is still 7.7 percent below the national standard. It is hoped that Sidoarjo can make zero edits," he said.

The Head of the Public Health Division of the Sidoarjo Health Office Sri Andari on that occasion said that from the data received by the health office, Balongdowo Village, from the results of weighing posyandu in Candi Sub-district, was in the third position in terms of stunting quality in 2021. This condition is better than in 2020 which was in the position 4.

"This condition shows that the nutritional status in the Balongdowo area is gradually getting better," he said.

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