JAKARTA - A man who lived in an apartment with the initials DK (34) was found dead on the 1st floor, Magnolia Tower, Green Pramuka City Apartment, Cempaka Putih, Central Jakarta, Friday, July 29. The victim died allegedly due to suicide due to depression.

"(cause) Suicide. Found falling on the 1st floor. Allegedly jumping from the 21st floor of the apartment," said Cempaka Putih Police Chief Kompol Bernard Saragih to VOI at the scene, Friday, July 29, afternoon.

Kompol Bernard explained that the victim was only married 2 years ago.

"There is a family. The victim's name is Dalton Kurnia, from Jelambar," he said.

The victim also left a will before committing suicide.

"A will was found, suspected of being depressed," he explained.

From the VOI's monitoring at the scene, apartment security officers carried out tight security at the Magnolia tower. Even the media crew who were at the scene were not allowed to enter the apartment area.

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