BOGOR - The Bogor District Attorney's Office, West Java, has named the Secretary of the Department of Trade and Industry (Disdagin), Sumardi as a suspect in the corruption of disaster aid funds.

"Development of the case of disaster funds, today we have named two suspects, S and SS," said Head of Intel's Head of the Bogor District Attorney's Office, Juanda, as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, July 28.

Sumardi, who is also the former Head of Emergency and Logistics (Ratik) of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Bogor Regency, was named a suspect along with one other person with the initials SS who was a contract employee at BPBD in 2011-2018.

Both of them are considered to have misappropriated Rp1.7 billion for disaster assistance sourced from Unexpected Expenditures (BTT) for the 2017 budget year.

"The Head of the Division has a role in carrying out the 2017 BTT disbursement. Meanwhile, the role of the SS is to assist the Head of the Division's duties," said Juanda.

He said the Rp1.7 billion aid fund should have been distributed by the Bogor Regency BDBD to people in three sub-districts, namely Cisarua, Tenjolaya and Jasinga. However, the results of the Kejari examination of the witnesses, apparently the aid was not distributed.

Juanda explained that his party had not yet detained the two suspects. However, his party immediately called for further examination.

"We have examined the person concerned about five times as a witness. In total, we examined 15 witnesses in this case," he explained.

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