JAKARTA - The Ministry of Agrarian and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) cooperates with the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia (ANRI) to tidy up the archives of land documents in Indonesia.

"I'm sure the problem will be unraveled related to a big problem, namely the land mafia problem, because we can archive the warkah including other documents so that it is stored neatly. Then if we need the warkah we can see the original," said Minister of ATR/Head of BPN Hadi Tjahjanto in a written statement. in Jakarta, Thursday, July 28, quoted from Antara.

He explained that the storage locations for land certificates or archives were in the Land Offices spread throughout Indonesia.

The cooperation was marked by the signing of a memorandum of understanding which was followed up with the assistance of archiving land documents from ANRI in each district/city.

"One kantah (land office) can contain lots of documents. Technically, ANRI will have representatives in districts/cities who will be able to help implement the filing," said Hadi.

Meanwhile, the Head of ANRI Imam Gunarto said that archives must be managed based on the laws and regulations. Because, the archive as evidence of the activities and accountability of the Ministry of ATR/BPN, is also legal evidence that will be used for future implementation.

Therefore, this collaboration is certainly very beneficial to synergize the duties and functions as well as the authority of the two institutions in the field of land, spatial planning and archives.

He explained that the land archive is one of the archives of very strategic value nationally, which is directly related to the civil rights of the people. In Law Number 43 of 2009 it is stated that archives that have the same value as land archives are in a group of archives that are maintained, archives that are used or that function to maintain state sovereignty.

"You can imagine if we don't have a good land archive, then the state's performance will not perform very well. Therefore, we see a very high urgency to manage this land archive well and reliably," he asserted.

ANRI also encourages the digitization of land archives within the Ministry of ATR/BPN. Thus, ANRI expressed its commitment to assisting in the digitization of land archives and the development of its digital system.

"I hope that the digitization of land archives can be carried out together. ANRI will be ready to assist this transformation process. We are very honored to be able to work with the ranks of ATR/BPN whose archive function is very important for the country. We are ready to help, we are ready to cooperate and God willing, we will produce benefits for the nation and state," he hoped.

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