KALBAR - The official (Pj) of the Landak Regent of West Kalimantan Province (Kalbar), Samuel forbade public schools from collecting fees from students or illegal levies (pungli).

"There should be no levies on schools with state status," said Samuel while chairing the Joint Working Meeting of Principals of Elementary Schools (SD) and Junior High Schools (SMP) in Landak Regency in 2022 in the Great Hall of the Landak Regent's Office, West Kalimantan, Wednesday 27 July .

According to him, in carrying out his duties as leaders, school principals are expected to be role models for teachers who are able to utilize the School Operational Assistance (BOS) budget in accordance with technical instructions from Dapodik which must always be updated because it is a data source used by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology.

"School principals must also be able to provide solutions and make positive contributions to education problems in Landak Regency," he said, according to Antara.

He reminded that in carrying out their duties, school principals must remain enthusiastic and continue to innovate. In addition, the principal must be disciplined because the principal is an example for teachers in his place of duty.

On that occasion, Acting Regent Landak Samuel said that the principal is a teacher who is given the task to lead learning and manage educational units which include kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school and high school.

"In Permendikbudristek 40 of 2021 concerning Assignment of Teachers as Principals, it is indicated that teachers can be given the task as school principals to lead and manage schools in an effort to improve the quality of education in accordance with the transformation of learning that favors students and to strengthen the capacity of teachers as principals, structuring is needed. and improving the mechanism for assigning teachers as principals," he said.

Don't forget Samuel also conveyed the terms and criteria that must be followed in accordance with government regulations so that face-to-face learning can run smoothly.

Some of these provisions include maintaining the cleanliness of the entire school environment, maintaining the cleanliness of the school canteen, school principals and teachers are required to provide guidance to school residents regarding healthy food, and school principals, teachers and canteen managers ensure that the food and beverages sold in the canteen are guaranteed to be healthy.

"I also remind again that face-to-face learning can run smoothly in accordance with the plans regulated by the regional government and continue to implement health protocols, besides that the principal must not stop innovating and mastering science and technology," said Samuel.

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