JAKARTA - The Judicial Commission (KY) has recommended eight proposed sanctions to 11 judges in the first semester of 2022 because they were proven to have violated the Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct for Judges (KEPPH).

"In the first semester of 2022 there are eight registers out of 136 registers with proven decisions. Of the eight proven registers, KY has proposed imposing sanctions on 11 judges, three of which are severe sanctions," said Head of Judicial Supervision and Investigation of KY Joko Sasmito in an online press conference for Judge Supervision for Semester I of 2022, monitored from the channel. Judicial Commission YouTube, in Jakarta, Antara, Monday, July 25.

The details of the judges who were proven to have violated the KEPPH, namely seven judges were given light sanctions, one judge was given medium sanctions, and three judges were given heavy sanctions.

The proposed light sanction is in the form of a written warning given to three judges and a written statement of dissatisfaction for four judges.

Meanwhile, the proposed moderate sanction is the postponement of periodic salary increases for a maximum of 1 year which is imposed on a judge.

"For severe sanctions, KY proposes that three judges be submitted to the Honorary Judges Council (MKH) because (they) were sentenced to permanent dismissal without respect," said Joko.

As for the details of the KEPPH violations committed by each judge who received severe sanctions, namely unregistered marriage and falsifying signatures in the statement letter and using narcotics by two PN judges.

The imposition of sanctions submitted by KY to the MA is based on the results of examinations, panel hearings, and plenary sessions by KY Members.

The handling process is carried out through examination of various parties including the complainant and witnesses, the results of which are in the form of an examination report (BAP) and the collection of detailed evidence before examining the reported judge.

Joko revealed that KY had summoned 184 people for examination, with details of 128 people related to the examination of arrears files and 56 people related to the examination of files in 2022.

“However, not all of those who were summoned were present at the examination. Of the 128 people who were called for arrears files, only 85 people attended, while of the 56 people related to the files in 2022, only 49 people attended the examination," said Joko.

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